Happy November!

Well, October flew by in a blur (as usual). And every day was just a lead up to the BIG day for me. That’s right, Halloween. I LOVE Halloween. It’s MY holiday. I have family over. We have pizza and drinks for dinner. And then everybody goes out trick-or-treating in my neighborhood. It’s a party and I love it. It’s the one holiday a year with no stress involved. You feed your family a dinner of pizza and they love it. The kids are SUPPOSED to be kind of crazy.

This year for work I dressed up as a fortune teller (costume #1 from the previous entry) with lots of extra jewelry. My "trick" was to tell everybody’s fortune by having them hold out their hands and then put a fortune cookie in it! LOL! Everybody loved it. And I got second place in the office costume contest (1st place for non-union employees though!). I won a basket of goodies and there were scratcher cards in there. I won $28 on the scratchers! 

This year we had my SIL with her 3 kids and her significant other, my sister and her daughter, my mom and then my 2 boys and me and Nathan. Because my leg is still bad (physical therapy is helping), I was put on "candy duty" and had to stay at the house. Nathan, Jessie, Dave and Heather went with the six kids plus Daisy.

Scott is the Ninja. Evan is Lightning McQueen. Tesia was a mermaid fairy (she came up with that idea on her own). April is a witch. Stevie is Captain America (I think). And Kenny is a skeleton. Daisy wore her pirate shirt. She wasn’t in the mood for the hat.

I love Halloween. I can’t wait for next year! Let the planning begin! 🙂

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November 4, 2011


My little boy, Ben, says it is his favourite holiday, too. I love the costumes.