Theme of the Week – edit “night shade”

Have you ever had a Paranormal Experience?

Why yes, yes I have. Thanks for asking.

I’ve had them my whole life. I’m not a ghost whisperer or anything like that, but "I see dead people" all the time. And not just in my dreams.

The earliest time I can remember was when I was about 4 years old. I was alone in a room in our apartment. Not sure where everybody else was. Only, I wasn’t alone. I was talking to this man, I don’t know who he was. He was old though. And we were just talking about random stuff that 4 year olds talk about. My mom came in the room and asked me who I was talking too. And I just said, "Him" and pointed over to my bed. Only he was gone. He never came back and I don’t know who he was.

When I was a bit older, my bedroom was in a basement of the house my family rented. I shared the room with my twin sister. I didn’t mind having the room down there, even though we knew it was haunted. The ghost was never too terrible. He never showed himself to us. One time, a visiting ghost (I REFUSE to believe it was the house ghost) told my sister "kill her." Our regular ghost would never have said such a thing. He was nice. One night, I couldn’t sleep because the crickets were making such a racket. The house was old and they could get in through the cracks. Anyhow, I remember asking the ghost to please help make the crickets shut up so I could go to sleep. I listened and one by one the crickets stopped their chirping and I fell asleep. The next morning, there was a pile of 5 or 6 little black crickets right next to my bed. (Tangent: I don’t think I ever told anyone that before. It freaked me out so bad at the time).

My grandfather has come to me in my sleep several times. Usually, it’s on the back porch of his house in Arkansas. It’s my happy and safe place so I know that’s why it’s usually there. The visits are short, there’s never enough time, but he always says just the right thing. Sometimes it’s not what I want to hear, but it’s always what I need to hear.

I was warned in a dream about a plane crash. I don’t remember which one. I dreamed that a passenger plane crashed into the ocean and nobody survived. And not two days later, it was on the news. It wasn’t a flight that I was supposed to be on or anything. I wasn’t going on a trip and didn’t know anybody on the plane. But when I saw the news report, it was the same plane and the same images that I saw in my dream. Why I was "gifted" with that vision, I’ll never know.

The building I work in is nearly 150 years old in parts. When I’m alone in my room, the ghost that likes my office comes out and taps on the other keyboards. I’m not the only one it’s happened too. Others who have been alone in the room have heard it too. He’s a friendly ghost who we think is trying to communicate with us but doesn’t have the strength to actually type out the message. It sounds like he’s just running is fingers across the keys, or tapping his fingers on them. Maybe I should learn Morse Code.

And in the plant (the oldest part of the building), there are several "workers" who aren’t alive anymore. Some are women from the WWII era when our plant made bomb casings for the war. Some are men in overalls taking a smoking break in what used to be a courtyard but is now actually inside the plant. You can even SMELL their smoke. They are very friendly and like the place. Almost everybody in the building has seen them.

One of the reasons we built the house we live in now is because it has NO experiences. None. The land it is built on has been a field for centuries. Maybe even a millennium. I’ve not had any paranormal experiences here except for my night shade. He comes with me no matter where I go and haunts my dreams. Stupid night shade.

I’m editing this to add information on my "night shade."

I don’t know if that’s what it’s called exactly. But that’s what it is. A night shadow. A night shade. He’s the reason for my fear of the dark. He lurks in there. He’s the darkest part of the shadows. And he can move. And he is evil. And he chases and hurts and haunts. He’s always with me. Always. Sometimes he comes to me even in my dreams. Those are the worst moments. I can’t tell I’m dreaming. He’s usually chasing me through the house or a familiar place. Sometimes he’s taken those I love from me.

I’ll try to explain more. Think of yourself in a dark room with no light and no windows. You are alone. It’s DARK. There’s no way for your eyes to adjust because there it is absolute blindness. Then, suddenly there’s an even DARKER spot in the room. It’s not possible, but there it is. And that’s the night shade and you are no longer alone in the room.

The only way to escape the night shade is light. Pure light. It can’t be a small light either. A match only sheds so much safety. If there are shadows, the night shade is still there with you. Only bright bright light throughout the room is a savior from him.

And when I was a child he told me his name. I prefer not to use it because he’s kind of like Lord Voldemort. But I’ll tell you. His name is Darkuhl (DAR-khool). And he’s particular about the spelling and the saying of his name. Sometimes in my sleep when he’s chasing me, he’s screaming "Say it! SAY IT! Say my NAME!" and I have no choice but to say it. And then he laughs and is stronger for my saying of the name.

And, no he’s never spoken to me when I’m awake. But I know when he’s there. I can sense him.

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October 15, 2011

What do you mean by night shade? Never heard that term before. Your ghost stories are very interesting. I’ve never seen a dead person as a person. Only a flash of light, or a black shadow like figure. I think maybe someone died in my apartment or one nearby and I saw him. Actually, I take that back, I did see one dead person once, he saved my life. My grandfather, I think it was. Anyway…………interesting entry!! :)))

October 15, 2011

I’m familiar with much of the paranormal world but I have not encountered “night shade”. Can you explain?

October 15, 2011

wow, that’s amazing! thanks for sharing 🙂

October 15, 2011

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I see. Yes, that’s exactly how I saw that shadow guy I saw. He was darker then the dark. I totally relate to that. But I don’t think he was evil, just very self destructive in life. I think your night shade must be a very evil person. Bad man. Bad bad man. Probably a stupid question, but have you told him to leave you alone? Just wondering… **hugs**

October 15, 2011

Oh ugh. I used then when I should have used than. LOL

October 15, 2011

you need to send that away. You can and you should!

October 15, 2011

Thanks for writing this! Everyone thinks that if you can see the dead or talk to them, whatever, that you’re automatically a psychic/medium. Maybe we are, I don’t know. I like to just think that we are more sensitive to the things around us. I wasn’t going to write a TOTW entry because of being judged but I think I will now, thank-you.

October 18, 2011

I found this on random and I’m fascinated by your stories! I think its pretty cool that you’ve had the experiences you’ve had, minus your night shade. Just reading about him gave me goosebumps. I’m with the others- there has to be some way to send him away. Have you ever researched it?