Only me

I know I promised to write about the other stuff, but this isn’t about that. There will be photos at the end of some of the other stuff.

OK. So Sunday afternoon I felt a headache coming on. Fast forward to Tuesday and Wednesday and it’s a full on explosive migraine. I couldn’t move. I missed 2 days of work. I almost went to the ER for it, but by Wednesday afternoon, the Excedrine Migraine finally was working. So, I decided to take a shower. Yeah. I was bending over to reach my razor and squatting to sit (because my head did still hurt), and suddenly there was a terrible sharp pain in my right thigh. I couldn’t move. I saw stars. I yelled it hurt so bad. I managed to get out of the shower and to my bed (where the phone was because of my migraine). I called Nathan and he came home. I called my mom and she came to watch the boys after Nathan got them from across the street. Nathan took me to the ER. Several hours later (there were a lot of really sick people in there last night), the ER doc says I’ve strained one or 2 of the muscles in my thigh. And by the way I’m moving and how painful it is, there is a strong chance that I’ve torn the muscle. I have to go to my ortho doctor. If it’s bad enough I’ll have to have surgery to repair it. As of right now, I’m on vicodin and rest. I have a work note for the next 3 days, but if I’m up to it I can go it. But since Vicodin makes me sleep I doubt I’ll make it. My friend Jodi works with me and she’s going to drive me until I can move my right leg without flinching. Sigh.

Only *I* can hurt myself this badly by just trying to sit down. That’s right ladies and gentlemen. I am an epic mess of body parts! LOL!
Evan’s first day of Pre-K.

Me and my new dog "Daisy."

That’s all for now. The vicodin is making me tired and my leg really hurts from sitting in this chair. So I’m going upstairs to bed after I call the Ortho. His office just opened…

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September 22, 2011

Aw M, this sucks!! But. Ummm. Exactly HOW are you going to tell this story? The guys at work might enjoy it too much if you mention that you were wet and naked.When Nathan rescued you, did he at least smile? Seriously though, you poor girl !!! If I was any closer, I’d com take care of you. I feel so bad for you!!

September 22, 2011

And does Evan ever look excited!!! He’s growing so big,, where did the time go??

September 22, 2011

I hope your injury isn’t serious enough for surgery and you recover quickly! So jealous of your new dog! I miss my cocker 🙁

Wow, that is totally terrible. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Oh, I loved the pictures.

October 2, 2011

Oh………….**hugs** :*(