Going on an airplane!

That’s right, folks. It’s that time of year. Time for me to panic and fret and worry because I have chose to get on a freaking plane to visit my sister. Only this time, it’s even BETTER. I’m bring my Kenny with me. That’s right. Panicky me is taking a 6 year old on his first flight EVER.

So, at my follow-up doctor’s appointment yesterday I told the doctor about it. She has given me "calming pills." I’m to take one pill one hour before my flight. It should make me feel calm. I’ve been told it will make me feel drunk.  I just hope they let me on the plane.

I fucking HATE flying. That’s right. I dropped the *F BOMB*.

Pictures to come! I can’t believe Kenny is coming with me! He’s going to have such a great time! He loves his Aunt so much. They have a special bond. And he’s SUPER excited about going to all the museums in DC and swimming every day that’s possible and going to mini-golf (his request) with his favorite aunt!

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July 20, 2011

I’m awake too! Super excited!

eftuniverse.com If you want to neutralize the anxiety from fear of flying then you need to explore this website. Seriously. You can remove the anxiety so simply that you’ll be amazed.

July 20, 2011

I can’t fly without my ‘calming pills’ (Xanax!). I hope everything goes smoothly! Safe journey…….. PS: RYN re Bambi……yep, you are right……..of course I only saw it that one time, and I was probably six, maybe? I don’t really remember. I guess that’s just how it stuck in my mind. :))))

July 20, 2011


July 20, 2011

Have a safe trip!

July 20, 2011

I know a certain police woman with 20 years of *adventures* under her belt. And SHE needs half a bottle of fermented fruit juice and a handful of special M&M’s just to get ON the plane. Then comes the flying part. You’ll do well Mama.

Maybe you could think of it as a bus trip….that flies. Have fun with your son.