Evan is going to be 4

Where has the time gone? This Wednesday Evan will have his 4th birthday. We had his party today because my sister and niece are going to be out of town next weekend. And my ex-BIL will have the hooligans starting this Monday for a week.

Evan wanted another Thomas the Train birthday up until 3 weeks ago. Too bad I’d already bought all the supplies because they were on sale.

don't try this stunt at home!

Evan decided 3 weeks ago that he LOVES the movie "Cars." So, his presents were wrapped in Cars paper and he got a Cars cake.
he wanted to eat it right now!

Did I mention that I MADE and DECORATED the cake myself. Yeah. Go me. It’s not as nice as it could be, but Evan loved it!


I bought Evan a ton of those Zoobles toys, a Zoobles carrying case, and a Zoobles tree house. He also got 2 outfits, a movie, some bath toys, and a Thomas the Train book from us. My mom got him some wooden Cars puzzles, bath toys and Zoobles. My SIL and the hooligans hand made some cards for Evan (which was very cute) and got him a Cars video game learning system. My MIL & FIL got him an extra large Cars comforter. It’s for a double bed, but he doesn’t care he LOVES it.


Garfield lounging on the love seat. He’s not the criminal who shredded the love seat. My mom’s cat Samson shredded it YEARS ago. I inherited the love seat when Nathan and I got our first place. We normally keep a cover on it, but this photo was taken right before we were putting it outside on the driveway during the neighborhood yard sale (see the "FREE" sign?)

what do you want?

Pepper got groomed last weekend. She’s still such a puppy!

i'm sparkly!

There are no photos of D’Artagnan. He’s going through another "I’m afraid of the flash" phase and either runs when he sees the camera or is forever turning his head away from it.
Nathan’s grandfather died on Friday night. The wake is tomorrow and the funeral on Tuesday. He was a member of the Polish Army before immigrating to America in the 40’s (I think, it may have been the 50’s). His name was Kasimiri Kysniki (I’m sure I spelled that wrong), but everybody called him Kaz or Grandpa Kaz. He was always very friendly to me. I’m not sure he ever REALLY knew who I was though. He suffered from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It was pretty bad in the end; he forgot how to speak English and didn’t know where he was most of the time. He’s in a better place now. A place without Nazi’s because from what my FIL said, he had nightmares constantly about the Nazi’s.

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Kasmir (Kaz) was my father-in-law’s name. Kasmir is my grandson’s name as well. FIL passed away last year, and grandson isn’t two yet.

June 13, 2011

You did a great job on the cake. What are Zoobles? Pepper is adorable. What breed is she? Sorry to hear about Grandpa Kaz.

June 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to Evan! Can’t believe he’s FOUR already!! Fantastic job on the cake 🙂 Sorry about Grandpa Kaz, Alzheimer’s is horrible.

June 13, 2011

Aw, your son is so cute! That cake is awesome! :)))