Busy weekend

I spent most of yesterday doing this:

Please excuse the weeds around the garden. I’m not quite done yet. Those pretty glass rocks come from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Growing up, we used to get rocks all the time for my Grandma Imo. I’d always wanted my own rock garden. The first summer after Nathan and I bought this house, we went down to Hot Springs and picked out several rocks. And every time I’ve been down there since then, I’ve picked up more. They’re "slag" rocks. Basically, they are what is left over after some chemical process at a plant that makes something or other. They are glass and are VERY sharp. Kenny sliced his hand pretty good when we went during Easter. All those red rocks used to be one large red rock. Unfortunately, because the rocks are glass, the highs and lows in weather caused it to break into several pieces.

The flowers I’ve planted are peonies. Right now I have a light pink, dark pink, and a cream colored one. I have a large peony bush next to the house, but I’ve been told to not transplant it until 6 weeks after it’s done blooming. When that happens, I will split up the bulbs and fill out the rest of this garden.

I love the black mulch too. It really makes the rocks stand out and the flowers too.

When I was done with the first part, Kenny took his sidewalk chalk and made me a present.

If you can’t tell, the rocks say, "I love you mom."   🙂 He’s so sweet.

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May 8, 2011

Aw, how sweet! Happy Mother’s Day! 🙂

May 8, 2011

Those glass rocks are awesome.

May 9, 2011

That is so very cool!

I really like the little garden. The rocks are awesome. They would crumble in the winter.