A Jar of Balloons, Volume 6

A Jar of Balloons Survey, Volume 6

1.) How conscious are you of your posture?
Very. I don’t want a “widow’s hump” like my grandmother so I always try to maintain good posture. Also, being from a family with militant dining rules when my grandmother was around, I automatically sit very straight in most chairs. That and I’ve seen pictures of myself slouching while standing and it looks awful.

2.) What’s the highest floor on which you’ve ever lived?
The second floor is where my bedroom is. We never lived in an apartment building with stories like some others. And even my college dorm room was on the first floor.

3.) Do you get jittery during airplane turbulence? How jittery?
Yes, VERY jittery. I hate flying with a passion.

4.) Do you still drink glasses of milk?
Not as often as I used to do. Milk is one of the foods that sets off my IBS. But sometimes I really crave a glass of chocolate milk so I have one. Or if I’m eating Oreo cookies, I have milk.

5.) How’s your balance?
Grace is not a compliment often given to me. My balance is awful for the most part. If I’m REALLY concentrating it’s good though.

6.) What games do you play with small children you meet (such as faking snatching off their noses by poking a thumb between fingers)?
I do the itsy bitsy spider song while having the spider climb their arms and then landing on their head.

7.) Is it your tendency to order the same dish over and over or mix it up?
Usually the same dish. I’m picky so if I find something I like, that’s what I stick with.

8.) How are you at not losing pens?
Great. I LOVE pens so I try not to lose them.

9.) Have you ever made a scrapbook?
I tried. I did. Really. But I hated it. So, I make photo books online.

10.) Is there anything that feels nicer touching the back of the hand than a tassel? What about gently blown breath?
I like the feel of water rolling down the back of my hand. Or the way it feels when the sun hits it on a cold day.

11.) What did you call bowel movements as a child?
Poop. “I pooped!”

12.) When at a museum, do you like to walk around by yourself or take the tour?
Both. At first, I want to walk around at my own pace to take the whole place in. After I’ve done that, then I like the tour to get more information.

13.) When cooking, do you eyeball or measure?
Measure. Measure. Measure.

14.) Was your Christmas tree (if you had one as a child) fake or real? What was it topped with, an angel or a star?
It was usually real. And it had an angel, which I now have. She’s been transformed into the “Christmas Fairy” though because Nathan likes to have a star on the top of the tree. She’s really quite an ugly 1970’s type angel, but I love her.

15.) Do you wear non-winter hats?
Yes, sometimes. If I’m going to the zoo or the racetrack I wear a cap to protect my head and eyes. Other than that; nope I don’t wear them.

16.) What celebrities have you met?
None. I’ve never met anybody remotely famous.

17.) What is the deepest water in which you’ve been swimming?
The ocean was pretty deep, but I was in the shallows just paddling around. There’s a lake in Arkansas that I went swimming in where the water was 100 foot deep where I was.

18.) If you could walk on stage as the lead singer of any band in any time period, who would it be?
It would probably be Spice Girls. They look like they had so much fun!

19.) About what subject (other than yourself) do you possess the most knowledge?
I don’t know. I know a lot of random things, but I’m not an expert in anything.

20.) What is the worst you’ve ever burned yourself?
This is so sad. It was actually a sunburn. Nathan took me to a place called the Johnson Shut-ins. It was gorgeous. It’s one of my favorite places. My sunscreen washed off though. I was so burned I was purple. I got sick from it and ended up at an Urgi-Care. I had to get an i.v. and pain meds. I officially had “sun poisoning.” Other than that, I’ve only had a few splatter burns and a couple “ooh, the pan is still HOT” burns.

21.) What percentage of your life would you say you spend alone and recollecting?
I have no idea.

22.) Okay, you have a plate of cake and ice cream: do you go with a spoon, with a fork, or with both?
Spoon if available.

23.) What advice do you generally give to people who have colds?
Take a Dayquille, get some rest and drink lots of water.

24.) Have you ever seriously done the Limbo?
Why yes, yes I have. And on rollerskates too.

25.) How are you at impersonations? Do you stick with them when they aren’t going well or jump ship?
I cannot impersonate. I mimic and make fun, but actually doing people’s voices is not something I’m good at.

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May 6, 2011

Ouch, I feel for you on that sunburn! I got a really bad one once, not that bad but it nearly drove me insane with the itching. I was freaked out. I can’t imagine the pain you must have been in!