A Jar of Ballons Survey, Volume 3

Thank you James Ensor for putting these surveys together!

1. Do you open people’s medicine cabinets? Do you feel, on the whole, guiltier when you get caught or don’t get caught? Do you feel guilty about not feeling guilty enough when you don’t get caught?

I don’t open them. I’ve never been really interested in other people’s medicines or whatever people keep in those cabinets.

2. What was the first "adult" book you recall reading? (As opposed to kids books.)

Little Women. A reading specialist gave it to me in the 3rd grade because she knew I could read it even if my regular teacher said I couldn’t read at a first grade level. It remains one of my favorite books.

3. As a little kid, did you consciously act like a little kid?

Hmmm. Yes. I can remember that adults around me expected a certain type of behavior and/or response so that is how I performed even though my actual reactions or behavior may have been different.

4. As far as places you’ve been, if you are tallying the list for the sheer pleasure of a large number, do airports count?

Airports do not count unless you LEAVE them for at least one hour. Staying in an airport does not count as visiting that place.

5. What is the longest you’ve ever gone without speaking to another human? Do you think you could go a week?

I don’t know the answer to this. Maybe 2 days. I’m not certain. I could probably go a whole week, but I’d be awfully lonely. Is this just “verbal” speaking or does texting and IMing count too? If I could text or instant message, I’d be able to go a long time without actually using my voice.

6. For whom have you caused the greatest joy?

My husband. I gave him his children and they are his greatest joy.

7. When is the last time you purchased pornography?

Do romance novels count? If they do, then it was about a year ago. If they don’t count, I’ve never bought porn.

8. When was the last time you ran as fast as you possibly could?

5 days ago. I was playing with Kenny and the dog and we were running around like crazy people in the back yard.

9. Do you ever find yourself (particularly when dressed up) tallying up the total cost of all that you have on?

All – the – time

10. Is "like" your vocal tic, or is it "you know"?

Neither one any more, but it used to be “like”

11. In what grade in school did people begin to "date"? Were you in on this?

In 6th grade, there were a bunch of people who had “boyfriends” or “girlfriends” but I don’t know if they actually went out on dates. I wasn’t allowed to “date” until I was 16, so I wasn’t in on all of that. I had a boyfriend when I was 14, but we never got to do anything really.

12. If you had to dispose of a dead body, how would you?

If cost were no expense, I’d fly a helicopter at night over an active volcano and drop the body into it. I’d be the one flying the copter, so I would have the door be open and would tilt copter to the side so the body would fall out. Then, I’d land the copter, put it on auto pilot so that it crashes into the lava as well. No witnesses, no accomplices, and just one missing copter that I can say I accidentally crashed with my remote control into the volcano.

13. Who is your least judgmental friend?

Probably Cheri.

<span style="font-family:Arial”>14. What is the first website you go to after you check your email?

I don’t check my email first. I usually check the news sites (msnbc for world news and then my local station and newspaper sites). Then, I check my email. THEN, I usually check OpenDiary and the cocker spaniel board I belong too.

15. What is the longest book or series of books you’ve ever read? Are you at a loss when you finish?

The longest book was either Harry Potter 7 or Gone with the Wind. I’m not sure which is longer. Harry Potter is the longest series I’ve read. And I was at a loss when it ended. I want MORE.

16. Do you like watching flying helium balloons disappear into specks? Do you watch loved ones disappear on train platforms or in rearview mirrors? Do you watch as long as you can?

Yes. I love to watch balloons disappear. I like to imagine somebody in a plane seeing it and wondering where it came from. I watch loved ones drive away until I can’t see them anymore.

17. As a host, are you skilled and willing, skilled and unwilling, unskilled and willing, or unskilled and unwilling? In general, do you feel it’s your fault if someone is not having a good time?

I am generally skilled and willing. I don’t host very often though because I am embarrassed by the state of my house. I’m also not a very good cook (it’s the only unskilled part of hosting for me). Yes, I feel at fault if somebody is not having a good time.

18. If you opened the hood of your own smoking car, would you have any idea what you were looking at?

In my Ford, I would have said yes. I knew what everything was because my Step-Father showed and told me what it was. In my new Mazda, I haven’t looked at all yet, so the answer is nope.

19. How often do you Google yourself?

I have a HORRIBLE name for googling. My last name is actually a word (verb) that means something in the English language so looking it up brings up all sorts of crap, but not really “me.” My maiden name is better, but there is nothing new under it – ever. So, I don’t “Google” myself very often.

20. At what age was your first kiss? How often do you think of this? More than once a year?

My first kiss on the lips was when I was 14. And I don’t really think about it that often at all. Though I know who, where and when it happened.

21. How often do you sleep till you wake? Is there anything better than climbing into bed and knowing this, knowing you’ll be sleeping an indefinite length?

I always sleep until I wake. Isn’t that the definition of sleeping and waking up? I’m sure the question means “wake up naturally without an alarm clock or somebody else waking you.” And I do this every single weekend. Nathan and I each get one day to “sleep in.” It’s lovely.

22. If you could own a pro sports franchise, which sport would it be? Which team?

I would own baseball. And it would be the St. Louis Cardinals because that’s the team my grandfather would have wanted.

23. Who was your favorite teacher? Is s/he still where s/he was, still teaching?

Tough to answer. To be cute, I’d say my favorite teacher is my sister and yes she’s still teaching. But she never “taught” me in school so I’m sure she doesn’t count. My favorite teacher other than that would be Mr. Cosmano because he didn’t just bow down to the students, he demanded respect and gave it in return. He could be an incredible asshole though, so it’s with reservations that I choose him. And, no he’s retired now.

24. At what age did you cease taking baths or cease exclusively taking baths?

I was 13 when I stopped exclusively taking baths. Up until that point, we actually lived in an older house that had ONLY a tub, no shower. My mom Mcguivered a shower head to the tub faucet using rubberbands and a handheld shower thing, but you still sat in the tub to use it, so I only ever took baths. Once we moved, I took showers because it was a novelty to me. But, now I have a great big tub that I fill with steaming water and relax in frequently. And I have a nice shower too. I like both.

25. What is your favorite month?</span>

This is a really tough question for me. I like October because of Halloween, but the weather generally sucks. I like May because that’s when the weather starts to REALLY turn into a nice spring/summer and because it’s my birthday month. Then again, I like August because it’s the hottest month around here and I love to languish in the heat and humidity in my backyard. I can’t pick just one, so I won’t.

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March 25, 2011

New here. Interesting survey. It tells me a lot about you.

March 25, 2011

I love these surveys! Had to laugh at #7! I don’t think Romance is porn, but if it is, I’m reading it all the time! lol

Your answer to number 9 made me laugh. I feel guilty about even wanting clothing right now. As for Harry, it totally captivated my imagination. Nothing has done that for me since I was a child. I love the summer because I love being with my children.