10 days

I’m bored, so I did all 10 days today. Yeah, 2 entries in one day. But the previous entry is just a bit of writing that I did this morning. Read it if you want…
Day 1 – Ten things you want to say to ten different people
1.                   If you are that unhappy with the job, find something else and leave. Quit dragging the rest of us down with you. (Actually to be said to 3 different people at my office).
2.                   Your “vapors” are NOT amusing or funny. This is not the fifth grade. Grow up.
3.                   Get your shit together and be responsible.
4.                   I love you.
5.                   Just because you’re the boss doesn’t mean you can be an asshole.
6.                   Chew with your mouth shut, you are an adult, not a 3 year old.
7.                   I REALLY didn’t need to know that. Now I’ll never look at you or the other person in the same way.
8.                   Stop being so damn nosy. It’s none of your business.
9.                   It’s not funny anymore.
10.                I really want to like you, but you make it hard.
Day 2 – Nine Things about yourself
1.                   I have a twin sister.
2.                   I like to write, but don’t think that I’m any good at it.
3.                   I type faster than anybody I know.
4.                   I am so clumsy it really should be a disability.
5.                   I love to read. I enjoyed Harry Potter and Twilight and The Hunger Games and even some of the House of Night series. But, I like to read books other than “fluff” too.
6.                   I’m not that great of a driver.
7.                   I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to my iPod – in not a good way either.
8.                   I’m not musically talented.
9.                   I’m skinny, but I haven’t liked the way my body has looked since before I had children.
 Day 3 – Eight ways to win your heart
1.                   Buy me flowers.
2.                   Compliment my wit.
3.                   Don’t mention that you fear for your life when riding in my car.
4.                   Enjoy Halloween with me.
5.                   Love my kids.
6.                   Go to live theater with me.
7.                   Be interested in what I’m writing even if it’s not what you normally read.
Day 4 – Seven things that cross your mind a lot
1.                   I can’t wait for it to be warm again.
2.                   I don’t like my job that much, but I enjoy the people (mostly) and it’s a secure position.
3.                   I’m not a good mother.
4.                   I’m not a good writer.
5.                   I’m not a good wife.
6.                   I wish there was less violence in the world.
7.                   I’m hungry – again.
Day 5 – Six things you wish you’d never done
1.                   Had my first sexual experience with whom I had it with.
2.                   Broken my tailbone.
3.                   Gone to Catholic School
4.                   Second-guessing my writing
5.                   Fallen off the roof.
6.                   Choked on that candy bar.
Day 6 – Five People who mean a lot
1.<span style="font: 7pt 'Times New Roman'”>                   Nathan
2.                   Kenny
3.                   Evan
4.                   Kat
5.                   Mom
Day 7 – Four Turn Offs
1.                   Uncleanlieness
2.                   Foul language
3.                   Humor at the expense of others feelings
4.                   Being mean
Day 8 – Three Turn Ons
1.                   Gentleness
2.                   Humor
3.                   Being fit and trim
Day 9 – Two images that describe your life right now and why
1.                   A picture of a daffodil. It means spring is coming and my winter depression should be on its way out. I love the sun.
2.                   A picture of my family because they are what is important to me.
Day 10 – One Confession
1.                   I wrote this at work when I should have been working.

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front page: great lists :-)!