A short story

I lay on my back in the meadow. The sun warmed my body as I watched a few puffs of clouds float by in the sky. Thousands of insects swarmed about me. I would probably have a bunch of bug bites to contend with later, but I didn’t care. The grass and wildflowers were tall enough to hide me from anybody who might pass me by. I just wanted to be alone.
The effects of the day had taken their toll on my mind and body. Every inch of me felt sore, but there were no wounds or bruises. Even my mind felt exhausted from the assault. I wasn’t thinking of anything as I lay still in the grass; I was just breathing.
Then I heard them; the Searchers were looking for me. They were calling my name, trying to flush me out from the field. In another 100 yards, they would find me. I closed my eyes so that when they did find me, I could pretend to be asleep and not hear them. I breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of heather and wild daisies until a boot nudged me in the side.
“Citizen Lilyanna, your allotted time for self reflection has passed. You are now out of bounds,” said a familiar but stern voice.
I opened one eye and peered up at my best friend. His face was serious, but there was a twinkle in his eyes. I knew he was being stern with me to show to the other Searchers that he did not play favorites among the Citizens.
“I’m sorry, Searcher Williams. I must have dozed off. I will not let it happen again.” I replied as got up. I brushed the dirt and crumpled flowers off of my clothes as best I could. I already had several welts from bug bites showing up on my legs and I could feel a sunburn blossoming on my face.
“See that you don’t,” Lead Searcher Hexton said pointing to the gates. “You are due in Special Training now, but you should go to Medical first to get those treated.” He said pointing to the bug bites on my legs. “The Scientists do not want damaged Citizens to work with. Those bites might distract you from your concentration exercises.”
I gave Lead Searcher Hexton a dirty look and stomped back to the gates. I didn’t turn to see if I was being followed, because I knew I would be. Being out of bounds is one of the worse offenses in the Sector. If you are out of bounds, you could be trying to leave and that is definitely not allowed.
We are privileged to be here, or so the Seat tells us. Everybody in the Sector was selected from the Population because of special talents they may have. There are perks to being here like excellent medical care and plenty of food. But I grow weary of being watched and worked.
One day, I will leave and they will not be able to stop me. I’ll be too powerful.

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March 23, 2011

Ooooh. I like it.

March 24, 2011

That’s good. Interesting. Scary when you think about it… :)))