
I’m feeling SO MUCH BETTER. Mentally and physically. I’m over the infections that have plagued me this winter (finally). I still have a bit of a cough, but it’s not bad at all. And I take my Claritin every morning so it helps too. I’m also still on the Zoloft. I feel it working. I can still "feel" everything, but I’m not able to get back down into the hole I was in. It’s got a cover on it. I’ve been angry, happy, sad and nervous since I started taking the Zoloft. So, everything is still there. I’m glad of that.

Took D’Artagnan for his follow-up blood work from having all of his teeth removed. Got a call today from the vet and all his liver and kidney numbers are within the normal range. This makes me so happy. Sure, he has almost no teeth, but he’s HEALTHY. I’ll take that. I love my old black kitty cat. He’s just 9, I’m hoping for several more good years with him. When he’s not hiding, he’s a really good and snuggly kitty.
I scheduled an appointment to test drive and possibly buy the Mazda2 Touring this weekend. I can’t find the title to my little gold car, but the salesman I’m emailing with said that I can fill out the "lost title" paperwork at the dealership. It’s a $95 fee no matter where I do it. So, since I don’t want to sit and wait in the DMV, I’ll do it at the dealership.
Nothing else new to report really. Oh, wait. Yes there is. I’ve made a new friend. Well, not really a new friend. I’ve known her for several months. The lady who is an editor who works at my office as a receptionist? We’ve started to hang out! Turns out she likes a lot of the sames things I do. She loves theater and has a husband who doesn’t want to go all the time. So, now I have a Theater Buddy! And we’ve been shopping together too! We had a good time. 
My friend’s daughter Madelyn has her second round of chemo on Thursday. Her hair is beginning to fall out too. Other than that though, the chemo isn’t having any really bad side effects on her. She’s bored and lonely because she can’t go to preschool right now (her immunity is really low).But other than that, things are going well.

I’ve decided to hire somebody to come take care of the rodent problem we have in the yard. This winter when all the snow was on the ground, they TORE UP my yard digging tunnels through it. The tunnels were half snow and half ground so there are tracks all over my yard. It’s really ugly. I might have to walk Pepper on a leash for a couple of weeks while there is poison on the ground, but I’ll do what needs to be done.

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A rodent problem would be the end of me. YUCK! I’m glad that you are feeling better. I had a Madza once and it was a wonderful little car.