
I really need to come up with better titles; or just let them be dated. Where is my creativity sometimes. Anyhow, off we go!

I ended up at the UrgiCare on Wednesday afternoon. I had started to cough up blood. I never actually SAW it, but I tasted it. I went and was diagnosed with “Post Viral Bronchitis.” Basically, after a virus like the flu and then my sinus infection my airway got rid of its lining and the raw nerves were hanging out getting agitated every time I breathed. Coughing made it worse by agitating them even more. So, I coughed because my airway was agitated, but the coughing agitated it more forcing me to cough more. It was a vicious cycle. Anyhow, I was prescribed Predinzone (steroids), Super Ibuprofen (which I’m not taking because I don’t need them right now, but will come in handy for the next migraine), Codeine cough syrup for bedtime (which does a lovely job of knocking me on my ass), and some other sort of mega-cough pill for the daytime. I’m still coughing, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was and I’m functioning so that’s an improvement.
I went to my regular doctor on Thursday morning. I talked to the Nurse Practitioner about all the meds and she agreed that the plan of action is a good one. Then, I talked to her about the depression. I told her all about my family history. She then asked me several questions about how I normally feel compared to how I feel now. And then she had to ask if I had any suicidal thoughts, because some meds make that worse. She really helped ease some of my fears about taking the pills. She said I should still feel emotion. I should still be ME. The pills are only meant to realign the seratonin levels in my brain (or something like that). She said that I should still be creative. I just maybe won’t be so angry and upset all of the time. So, for the next month, I’m on Zoloft. She wants to see me then to see how I’m feeling because the pills can take about 3 to 4 weeks to kick in. If I’m still feeling down, she’s going to up the dosage one step. She doesn’t want to go to a higher dose quickly because it’s not necessary. We’ve agreed to keep me on the Zoloft until spring. Then, I can try to stop taking them. If the depression comes back, she’s going to put me back on the pills. There is nothing wrong with being on them long term. It can be a maintenance med. But, if I do fine coming off during the spring, then I might just need their help for the late fall and winter from now on. It’s a wait and see type of game.
I’m going to call and schedule a test drive for this weekend at Mazda! I’m so excited! My older sister isn’t working this Saturday; so she’s going to watch the boys so Nathan and I can test drive the Mazda 2 and Mazda 3! Right now, I’m waffling between the two. The Mazda 2 would give the boys more space in the back. But, the Mazda 3 looks like a standard little sedan type car. I like the way it looks, but it would be kind of cramped for the boys when they get older. The goal with this new car is to maintain it in decent condition so that in 10 years when Kenny gets his permit and license it will be the car he gets to drive around (his brother and himself) while I’ll get something new (again). Mazda’s have a good reputation for lasting if maintained properly.
Kenny’s teacher emailed me and asked about the sight word DVD’s that his daycare uses. Apparently, Kenny is so advanced in his reading and goes on and on about these DVD’s at school that the reading specialist is interested in them and so is the Kindergarten lead teacher. So, I gave her the daycare lady’s information (with permission) so that they could discuss the DVD’s and books that the daycare uses. J Kenny is advanced. We all knew that. But did you know that he can already read some things at an 8th grade level? Yeah. That’s right. I said the child can read some things meant for 8th graders. And get this, he UNDERSTANDS what he’s reading. Oh yeah. He’s got comprehension skills. He’ll be 6 in July. What am I going to DO with this kid?
Evan is my sweetheart. Everyday he tells me he’s going to love me forever. And he hugs me a lot. He loves to snuggle with me on the recliner. We watch cartoons together. He likes to bat his eyes at me so that I’ll give him a piece of candy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. He’s so imaginative. He was watching a Wonder Pets episode the other day. And it was about a baby pigeon stuck on the Statue of Liberty’s nose. He told me that if a pigeon got stuck on his nose, he would just sneeze ‘ACHOO’ to get it off! HAHAHAAA!
The weather has been holding at about 50 the past week. It’s a bit breezy, but not too bad. The sun has been out a bit, but not as much as I would like (of course). The weatherman said it probably won’t get back down to “brutal” temperatures again this season. He said at night, it might get into the teens, but during the day the temps should be in the high 20’s to mid 30’s like it’s supposed to be for February and March. No more of those single digit temps with well below zero wind chills this winter. I’m grateful. I have admit, it’s been a rough winter for me. But, it would have been even harder if Nathan hadn’t gotten me that remote start. It’s been great to go outside to a nice warm defrosted car after work. It’s 1 block from the door of my building to my car, and I can start my car from the building. So, depending on how cold it is outside, I start my car 5 to 10 minutes before I have to leave. When I get down there, my car isn’t necessarily TOASTY, but it’s definitely warmer than the outside air!

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February 18, 2011

Week of docs, huh? Glad you got meds for the bronchitis and the depression. Hopefully the low dose will be all you need to boost your mood back to normal. Thinking of you. *hug*

February 19, 2011

your kids sound absolutely wonderful 🙂 hope you start feeling 100% very soon!

I can handle 14F but below that I am not happy. Right now, we are below that for another week. This being said, I can handle low temperatures without snow. As for reading above level, it can be quite normal. You know a child is gifted when they turn nine years old (unless they are gifted in all subjects). Although reading comprehension is a great sign.:)

February 24, 2011

I was on Zoloft during a particularly difficult and stressing time of my life a few years ago and it worked very well. No side effects and I was able to function normally. Hope you have as good a result from it.