It wan’t good news

My friend Cheri just called me. Madelyn has Neuroblastoma. There’s a baseball sized tumor pressing on her lung and a lesion on one rib. The good news is, her blood marrow testing has come up negative for cancer. But, it’s still in her. And it’s huge.

I’ve never asked for prayers before. Many of you know, I’m not really a huge "believer." But, like any scientist, since it can’t be 100% disproved, that means there’s still a chance. I’m asking now. I’m asking you to pray to whatever God, god, goddess, saint, etc. that you can. Pray that Madelyn pulls through this.

Maybe it will help if you had a picture of this sweet little girl. Her name is Madelyn. She’s just 3 1/2 years old. She’s smart as a whip and tells the best jokes. This year, the only thing she asked Santa for was a snow globe. She loves to smile and giggle. She comes to lunch with Cheri and me all the time and likes to sit next to me and talk about "school." 

This is Madelyn’s family. Her father Stephen is a pharmacist. Cheri, her mother quit work as a Marketing Graphics Designer to stay home with her when she was just a year old. Her baby sister is 18 months old and is named Bethany.

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She is in my thoughts.

You got it, honey. What a little sweetheart.

January 25, 2011

I will never understand why children have to go through this. Granted no one should have to, but children? It’s so sad. Best wishes to her and her family.

January 25, 2011

Prayers going up.

January 25, 2011

She is so beautiful! Prayers for Madelyn and her family,

January 25, 2011

She is beautiful. Sending out loving thoughts and vibrations.

January 25, 2011
January 25, 2011

Done. will keep her in my prayers. And her family. And you, cuz they’ll need you through all this.

January 25, 2011

Saw you in the reader’s choice.. I’m keeping little Madelyn in my prayers. What a horrible thing to have to go through.

Father God we ask for healing for little Madelyn. Lord we ask for a divine healing that only your Son can provide. Provide Madelyn’s family and loved ones with strength, hope and wisdom during this trying time. If there’s ever been a time when they needed you the most, it’s now. I really do hope it all works out in the end 🙂

January 25, 2011

random. what a beautiful happy little child. she is in my thoughts. xxx

:random: My prayers are with her and her family. Prayers for strength, peace, understanding, and recovery.

January 25, 2011

It’s so horrible that something like this would happen to such a little girl… I hope she’ll be okay. With any luck, it’ll be a matter of removing the tumor and maybe she won’t have to go through a drawn-out horrible situation… My thoughts are with you guys.

January 25, 2011

Random noter. Praying for that precious girl.

January 25, 2011

Her family is in my thoughts and prayers.

January 25, 2011

She’s definitely in my thoughts, every parents worst nightmare… she looks like a fighter 🙂

January 25, 2011

you’re welcome. this hits home. you, Madelyn, and Madelyn’s family will be in my continued thoughts and prayers in the trying times ahead. I have prayed and asked Ava to be a guardian angel for Madelyn. <3

January 25, 2011

You got it! I hate to see kids hurting. She is a beautiful girl, with a gorgeous smile, and through the strength and support of her (also beautiful) family and the prayers and well-wishes of so many strangers, she will pull through. *hugs* to everyone toudhed by this amazing girl.

January 26, 2011

oh no no no no no….send my love to them please…

I attend a Christian college; we’ll be adding her to the prayer request list for today’s chapel service. *gentle hugs*

January 26, 2011
January 26, 2011

Sending out all manner of prayers and positive thoughts. Kids CAN and DO beat neuroblastoma. The road won’t be easy, but she CAN beat it. Sending you love and strength too. *HUG*

January 26, 2011

she is prayed for.

January 26, 2011

Prayers, prayers and more prayers.

January 26, 2011

What a beautiful child. She’s just a little older than my granddaughter. I’m sending vibes out for her and her family.

I saw you on the front page. I’m so sorry for your friend’s daughter. I have a little boy close to her age and the thought makes me sick. I’m not sure I’m a believer either but I will definitely pray for her.

January 27, 2011

I will definitely pray for her. She looks so sweet and innocent. How tough for all of them 🙁

February 3, 2011

I’m so sorry to hear this! Please know that she’ll be in our thoughts and prayers! And also, know that children definitely do beat this….my almost 4 year old little girl is fighting this exact same monster and she’s been at it for almost two and a half years. If I can be of any help to this family please don’t hesitate to ask… Sarah Stonebraker