Not a great thing to wake up to

Something told me to check my email this morning. My friend Cheri had sent me a message. About 3 or 4 weeks ago, her little Madelyn (same age as my Evan), had pneumonia. They took her to the hospital and did some scans and gave her breathing treatments and sent her home. Madelyn has been doing fine. Unfortunately, the x-rays showed a mass on her lung. Last week, they went in for a better scan, and the tumor is baseball sized and coming off of her right lung and heading toward her spine. They did a CT scan yesterday and that’s what proved all that. Today, she’s having an MRI so that the doctors can see if it’s affecting her spine and what the plan of action will be when it comes time to do surgery. Madelyn comes home today and they go back in on Monday for a biopsy. She’ll spend a couple of days in the hospital for recovery. After that, it’s waiting for results. IF it is cancer, they’ll start chemo right away to shrink it so it can be removed. If it’s not cancerous, it depends on what kind of tumor it is before they come up with a strategy for removal or just watching it to see if it grows.

Cheri didn’t tell anybody but family right away. She didn’t know what to do. I sent her an email stating that I’m there for her. Even if it’s just to sit in the same room with her. On Monday, I’m sending a gift basket to Madelyn at the hospital. My poor sweet little girl. It’s not fair. It’s SO not fair.

Madelyn is my little buddy. Cheri and I were pregnant at the same time with our babies. I just can’t imagine what she’s going through. It breaks my heart in more ways than I thought possible.

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January 22, 2011

I hope that whatever it turns out to be, the course is strong and successful.

January 22, 2011

Oh no.

January 22, 2011

It’s always so hard to see little ones suffer with anything. I really hope it’s not cancer. We’ll pray for her.

January 22, 2011

Poor little moo…will be sending positive thoughts for her. The gift basket is a lovely idea, it’s really hard to keep kids entertained when they’re stuck in a hospital bed.

Aii, that’s what we all dread, isn’t it? You’re a good friend. I hope Madelyn’s treatment is painless and effective and LIGHTNING quick.

January 24, 2011

That’s so sad.