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Well, hello there, Winter Depression. How nice of you to drop by on your yearly visit. What toll are you planning on taking from me this year? I’ve already felt you. I hear you in my voice. I see you in my attitude. You take over and make me a person I do not want to be. And yet, I am unable to stop you. Your force is so much stronger than me. I am not your only victim. My children hear you when I yell at them within 5 minutes of us getting home for the day. They feel your loneliness when I try to spare them by secluding myself in my room. My husband feels you every time I reject him. My coworkers and friends see you in my tired eyes. Because not only do you take my sanity, you take my sleep.

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January 5, 2011

You too?

January 6, 2011

Oh, he’s a bad boy who likes to make his rounds, that’s for sure. Kick him in the butt. Increase your vitamin D. It’s like sunshine in a bottle and will help some. :o)

St. John’s Wort

January 6, 2011


January 6, 2011

That asshole. I hate Depression. **hugs**

Here, it is winter for almost eight months of the year. It use to bother me. Now, I think victory against the cold, ice and wind. Strenght gained by enduring it. The darkness means more time together inside and snuggling up. Also, I feel like a bear at times due to it being easier to sleep in such darkness. I know that depression is an illness. I have learned to embrace the winter months here for survival.

RYN: Wow, it means a lot that you think so highly of me and my opinions that you’d make such an offer. I’d be glad to read it and give you my thoughts. =)

RYN: Thanks for the link. I will try to get to it this weekend, but if not this one, definitely the next. =)

January 10, 2011


January 11, 2011

HEY! Thanks for the RC vote! That honestly made my day. I came home feeling like crap after that whole Jewish thing, vented and raged about it, and got an RC! Honestly, to me, huge compliment. And a nice end to a nasty day. x

January 17, 2011

Ugh, I know how it goes.