I did it! My book is DONE. Well, mostly. I still need to write the epilogue, but that’s easy.

Then, I’m going to rewrite Chapter 1. It’s not really a rewrite. It’s more of a "needs more info" type of redo. The first chapter is just over 1,000 words. The rest are a minimum of 5,000. Yeah. It needs work.

Then, it’s off to my pre-readers for red penning.

THEN, I’ll make changes and additions as needed.

THEN, I’m going to try to get it to an agent and published!


OK, not to be a killjoy, but finishing the book was a bit of a letdown. Sort of an anticlimax.  Hitting 50,000 words was more exciting. Maybe it’s because I knew I would finish it and that there is still a ton of work left to do on it. Maybe it’s because I finished at midnight and I was so tired I couldn’t see straight. I don’t know.

I’m sure I’ll be super excited when I get it picked up by an agent and then published. I’m sure I will.

Besides all that, I am happy. I still can’t believe I wrote a freaking book.

My word count right now? Oh, it’s just 81,284. Harry Potter #1 (for comparison) was just over 76,000 I believe.

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November 27, 2010

Random Noter: Just wanted to say Congrats on finishing your book!

That is FANTASTIC. Congratulations! What an accomplishment!

November 27, 2010

WOOOOOOOOOOO! I am VERY proud of you!!!!

November 27, 2010

OD needs a like button.

November 29, 2010

Congratulations! I’ve been told by so many family and friends that I should write a book, too, but I have no idea what I’d write about. My inspiration for writing comes in spurts — not a good thing. Let us know when we can buy a copy. 🙂

November 29, 2010

Congrats! 🙂

Congratulation on your book!

November 30, 2010

woowoowoo! For some reason I couldn’t get to this entry until today, it kept telling me I couldn’t have access to it. *shakes fist at OD*