I did it!

I did it! I’ve hit the 50,000 word mark in my book! OHMYGOD! I can’t believe that I’ve written so much! I didn’t know I could do it. I always doubted myself. And here I am at 50,222 words and I’m NOT DONE YET! HOLY CRAP!


Maybe I can do this after all. I started writing my book in mid-October, so 1 month for 50,000 words. 🙂

I bought a shoe shelf today. It’s a wooden shelf with 12 "cubbies" for shoes. I’m sick of seeing a pile of shoes on the floor next to the living room. I can’t WAIT to move my washer and dryer into the basement. Then, I can have a proper mud room and space for all the shoes and "stuff" that shouldn’t be piled up in my living room: coats, shoes, back packs, laptop cases, etc.
I bought a pair of really cute brown mary jane shoes today. I only have to clean my brown pants so I can wear them. 🙂
I’m done Christmas shopping for Evan. Now I just need to finish up for Kenny. And then the simple gifts for my nieces and nephews.
I bought a new jacket today. My other one was over 10 years old. It’s ugly. It’s not warm. It didn’t fit well. The new one was on sale from $70 down to $35. So, I bought it. It’s really nice. My sister would hate it though, it’s a type of courderoy (however you spell that).
Went to a trivia night last night with my mom and older sister. We came in 5th place out of 70+ tables. Two of the categories were "Library" and "English" though so I scored really high. The library one was trying to name the title of a book based on its cover. We got 8 out of 10. We missed "Tale of Two Cities" (we thought it was "Les Miserables") and another one that I can’t remember. I scored a perfect 10 on the English category. The only thing I wasn’t sure of was "give an example of an independent clause."  I had to think about it and then chose to put "He said." as my answer. I was right (of course).  We didn’t win anything for 5place, but it was still a really good time.
It’s totally past my bedtime, but now that I’m so excited about my word count, it’s going to be hard to sleep.

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That’s fantastic! *throws author confetti* What a productive weekend you’ve had!

That’s great! Plus, finishing fifth with that many people playing is really good. I haven’t even started my Christmas shopping. I do know what I want to get though.

November 15, 2010

Wow… congrats!

November 15, 2010

Woohoo! Way to go! In a MONTH??? Wow….I’m impressed!!