A real entry, not the story

So, this is me writing a real entry, and not just pasting my story into the box. Yeah. You read that right. I’m PROCRASTINATING. I’ve not hit a wall with the writing. As a matter of fact, I have tons to write and I know where it’s going. I’m just being purely lazy right now. I have to pee and the bathroom is a fucking ice box. I hate the bathroom at this office.

The boys are doing well. Kenny went pumpkin picking with school yesterday. He had a great time. I did not go. No vacation time left. Bummer. 

Evan is back to wearing diapers at bedtime. He was good for about 2 weeks, then for like 5 days in a row, he wet the bed. I can only give him a bath in the morning so many times before it’s not worth it. He’ll wear diapers to bed until he goes a MONTH without a wet one.

I don’t like it when OD is not working. I don’t write all the time, but I read daily. I missed my friends.

I’m doing OK. The weather has definitely changed. That always makes me sad. I despise the winter. Right now, it’s not freezing yet, but it’s cool out.

Nathan had remote start installed on my car for our 10th anniversary. So, I’ve been testing it out to see how far away I can be and start the car or if I can start it from behind obstacles. Yesterday, I started my car from inside my office. It has no windows to the outside. It’s a large cinderblock room with a tin outer shell! I can’t believe it worked! It’s going to be great this winter. I’ll start my car up about 15 minutes before I’m supposed to leave and by the time I get to it, it’ll be all toasty and defrosted! WOOH!

My hair is completely fried. I think, after Halloween, I’m going to have to cut it all off and start over. It’s going to be short. Thank goodness short is in style. I just can’t bring myself to go "pixie cut" with it. But it will be a short bob cut. I say after Halloween because I plan on dying a good chunk of my hair pink and blue and then doing a fun ponytail thing with it. YAYFUN!

Speaking of Halloween! YAY! This weekend is pumpkin carving weekend! And candy buying weekend! And decoration putting out weekend when it’s not raining! I am so excited! I love love LOVE Halloween! Kenny is going to be Super Mario (from the video games) and Evan is going to be Thomas the Train (again). LOVE them in their costumes!

Well, I really gotta ‘go’ now, so maybe after I’m done I’ll stop procrastinating and write more in my story.

Read it if you can. It’s friends only though. SO if you aren’t a friend you can’t read it (for security reasons).

Log in to write a note

I’ll have to come back to read your story and give it the type of time it deserves. I don’t know if you can email me a version. The girl has a MP3 player. We can’t get the IPod for him until Christmas. My email is: leannder@shaw.ca It would be awesome if it works. I’d be so grateful. My son wants to work but reading is so difficult.

I talk to Art. He is asleep at the moment. It might take a few days.:)

I emailed Art because sadly, this is his mode of operation these days. LOL! He said to tell you: Sure all I need is the ftp address login and password. I have no idea what that means. You could email it to mean and I’ll pass it on. THANK YOU!

RYN: The first one is still lightyears better than the others. *laughs*