Kenny’s Yellow Days

Kenny’s teacher uses a behavior chart to let parent’s know how the kids’ day went. The colors start at green for a great day, yellow, orange, red and then black. Kenny has had nothing but green days since the start of school.

But then:
Tuesday – Kenny got a yellow day because he’s made "fast friends" with somebody (she moved him to a new seating group) and they were talking while she was trying to give instruction. She gave them cues and warnings, but both ended up getting "yellowed" because they were talking.
Wednesday – Kenny got a yellow because during the chocolate selling assembly, he saw a child he knew from outside their classroom and wouldn’t stay seated or quiet. Another teacher noticed.
He got "table time" (sort of a time out) with Ms. Jackson who then discusses his actions and the consequences and ways to do better in the future.
I know I shouldn’t be smiling, but I am.

Two reasons:
1 – He’s my child afterall. Can’t shut up to save his life. ;0) 
2 – Who would have thought that the boy who got into Pre-K because he was so shy and socially behind would be getting in trouble because he has FRIENDS to talk to!

I count it as a victory, personally.

But, now we have to get him to understand that their is a right time and place for the chattieness and socializing.  That should be interesting.

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September 10, 2010

I think it’s great that he’s coming out of his shell. I got moved soooooo many times in elementary school. hahahaha I’m sure it’s frustrating for the teacher, though.

September 11, 2010

Go kenny, I got kicked out of tumble tots gym class for talking too much!!

September 11, 2010

Ryn: Kylie was apprehensive most of the time. She warmed up near the end.

As a teacher, who the hell has time to do that type of behaviour chart on a daily basis? I’m sorry, I don’t agree with it. Children are children. They chat when they aren’t supposed to. There are thirty three children in my classroom. I am happy when they are quiet but I tell them to talk during work time because they are helping each other in work completion. OH, I have an oppositional defiance child. He’d feel like a failure with that system. I rather focus my energy on oh things like teaching them something. LOL!

September 18, 2010

RYN. thats true and i hadnt thought of that…thanks for the suggestion!

September 19, 2010

[RYN] We have a friend in Culinary School who wants to be a baker. She molded the pea shooter out of marzapan and used a bendi straw through the stem and head fpr support