More tiger nonsense & Evan starts school

I FINALLY got an email back from Kenny’s teacher. Dated 5PM, 8/29/10. It’s as follows:

I just got your e-mail today so I do apologize for only now responding.  I wish I had been able to address your concern sooner. I accept full responsibility for the misunderstanding. I feel awful about how it has affected your little ones and your seem clearly upset as well.

I would like to explain how that works.  It is related to our Character Education Initiative.  The students are allowed to hold on to the Tiger or the Bear for the day.  At the end of the day they are meant to return it to the office.  Unfortunately, during "end of day" line up I told Kenny that we were going to make sure that the Tiger went back to Mrs. Seelman.  When we arrived at the front of the building I was distracted by a student trying to leave the line.  Subsequently, I did not follow through with my intention to send him to the office where I would have easily been able to usher him back in the line since the office is on our way.   I do want to assure you that we have discussed this at length after the initial announcement of the recipient of the Peace Pet.  I again explained the "visit" in circle time when Kenny "introduced" the Tiger to everyone  once he returned to class.  Although, I expect a lot from our little people I don’t usually take for granted that they only understand at their developmental stage, hence explanations and directions are given often and are  given at their level of understanding.  It appears I missed the mark with this situation.  

Again, I would like to apologize for the discomfort this caused your children.  In future I will make sure I retrieve the Tiger or Bear well in advance of our leaving for the day to keep this from happening again.

Thank you for your concern and your e-mail.

Ms.  J

And here is my response: 

Ms. J,

Thank you for responding. Yes I was upset last week. It is very hard to disappoint my boys when it can be avoided. Having all the information proves that it’s really nobody’s fault. These things just happen.

When Mrs. R came to visit on Thursday for Evan’s Pre-K home visit, explained to me what the Tiger was for as well. I am very proud of Kenny for being a good example and that he was honored with the tiger for the day. I’m glad that the tiger made it back safe and sound.

On a different note, I’m not sure how Kenny is going to be on Monday. His little brother is riding the bus with him to school for his first day of Pre-K. Kenny will be sitting with him. Evan is very attached to Kenny and will probably be a mess when Kenny goes off to play on the playground and they are separated. This will upset Kenny, as he is a very empathetic little boy.  I’ve been telling Kenny that it’s OK to leave Evan with the Pre-K helper and to go play even if Evan is crying and upset. So, if he’s a bit "off" this is the reason why.


And, I have been unable to find a replacement tiger. Well, that’s not true. I found it on But, I’m not going to spend $15 plus another $3 minimum shipping to get it. We went to the zoo on Saturday and I let the boys get one new stuffed toy each. Kenny got a white striped tiger and Evan picked out a new baby leopard. Both seem satisfied.
I can’t believe Evan goes to Pre-K tomorrow. I’m a nervous wreck. A complete mess. I don’t know how I’m going to manage tomorrow at all. I feel like I’m going to throw up. I made the decision to have Evan ride the bus with Kenny straight away. It would be worse for him if I took him. He’s the kind that is braver if I’m not around (unlike Kenny who needs me there at first and then is brave). Evan will be fine, because Kenny will be on the bus with him. It’s the part about Kenny going to the playground while leaving Evan with the Pre-K teacher who gets them off of the bus. That’s when Evan will probably lose it. I’m so worried for him. I hope he does OK.

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They’ll both probably do fine. Kiera went to Grade 1 without me. She old me that her biggest unspoken fear was that schools had no bathrooms. They worry about lots of things that we have no idea about. As for the teacher, she probably didn’t get the email. In our district, we are not allowed to communicate via email. Everything needs to be via phone or in person. There was a law suit. I like it because I know that I have twenty four hours to reply and parents like that.

August 30, 2010

Well she seemed genuinely sorry for her part, which is nice. It’s great when the teachers act like people! The boys will be fine. I get the worries though, I totally do.And then they all tell me how great things were!

August 30, 2010

I’m glad that she e-mailed you back… I give her credit for keeping her eyes on situations in the classroom that could have been more dangerous although it did cause heartbreak for your boys. That first week of school has to be rough for those poor teachers.