First Day

Today was Kenny’s first day of Kindergarten. I wasn’t sure this morning if I was happy or sad about that. I’m still not sure now and it’s 7:30.  I did NOT cry. I felt emotionally confused. There were tears on deck, but I wasn’t sure why. It’s not like this was his very first day at school. This is his 3rd year at the same school. It’s just that this time, it’s KINDERGARTEN. I mean. He’s getting so big. He’s definitely not a baby anymore.

I took him to school this morning because of the supplies. I bought extra because my sister said I should because I can afford it (she should know, she’s a teacher). We got there, and re-met his teacher. I stopped to speak with her for a moment, and that’s when Kenny got upset. Before then, he was FINE. He sat in his seat and started playing the tanagrams that were there for him.  It was about 5 minutes later and he says in a very upset tone, "OK , Mom! Bye!" and he was SO upset. No real tears, but on the brink and a very unhappy face. So, I hugged him again and said goodbye. The teacher took his hand and together they went to get the other kids from the playground. Kenny didn’t get to go on the playground before school because by the time we got there, the monitors were already lining the kids up to go inside to the classrooms.

I worried about him ALL DAY. But, just the "I hope he’s OK" kind of worry.

At 1:00, I began to have the "I don’t trust the school system or the TEMP they hired to sign the kids up" panic. The woman was a TEMP. She seemed very unsure of what bus Kenny should be on, but signed him up anyhow. And THEN Bryson, who lives just 2 streets over in the same subdivision, was listed as taking a DIFFERENT bus on the classroom list. Cue panic on my part. But, by 3:30, I didn’t hear anything from the babysitter or the school, so I knew everything was just fine (school lets out at 2:30 and the bus usually drops off on my street around 2:45/2:50).

I got home and Kenny was SO EXCITED to see me! He had to tell me everything! Two of his good friends (Bryson and Manuel) from last year are in his class this year. He got to go on the playground TWICE today. He got to pick out his lunch and he chose hotdog on a bun with NO ketchup, peaches, plain milk, and some beans. He said he only ate the hotdog and drank his milk. And THEN, he had another milk and 2 cookies for snack in the classroom later in the day. And there’s no homework tonight but there will be tomorrow. I got the biggest hug and he got to pick dinner. Evan was going on and on about wanting pancakes, so Kenny (who also loves pancakes) chose PANCAKES! So we went to Denny’s for dinner.

Kenny is very excited because tomorrow he’s going to ride the bus in the morning too (he’s old hat at that, he’s done it for 2 years), but this year, since he’s a big boy and not in preschool, he gets to go on the playground and play first! WOOH!

Today he wore his Super Mario All Stars shirt, black shorts, "Cars" socks, and his "Cars" light up shoes. His backpack is Sponge Bob Square Pants. My kid is ALL about the brands! LOL!

Today, for the first time ever, Evan went to daycare without a diaper on. He wore big boy underwear. We told the daycare he wasn’t to wear a diaper at all except during nap. And the great thing? I picked him up and he was in the SAME clothes that I dropped him off in.  He still will NOT go into the bathroom on his own. But, if he’s in underwear he will hold it until you make him sit on the potty.  He still can’t start Pre-K, but he’s CLOSER to it.  Pre-K starts on August 30. We have the home visit on August 26. I will ask the teacher at that time if it is OK for them to remind him to go, or if he needs to be going on his own. I have a feeling it will be the "going on his own" answer. If that’s the case, then I’ll have to apologize for wasting their time and give up his spot in the program. He’ll have to start later in the year which makes me sad. I want him in that program now. He’s just so STUBBORN. At least  these days, he doesn’t freak out and cry when I make him sit on the toilet.

For the first time in almost 3 years, I got a raise. Yeah. It’s been that bad at my company. NOBODY has been getting raises. And not everybody got a raise this pass. Just people they feel really deserve one. Yeah, I got a whopping 3.4% raise. Barely above a cost of living raise. I still don’t make $30,000 a year. Just under actually. I have a college degree and I make barely above poverty. Since Kenny was born, I’ve basically been working so that the boys can go to daycare and so we have medical insurance. Now that Kenny’s daycare cost has gone down from $130 to $55 a week, that’s nice. Evan will be going down to $130 once he’s more potty trained too. I’m trying to figure out a way to go part time at my office. I’d like to be able get Kenny and Evan on the bus and then be here when Kenny gets off. That’d be working from 8:30 to 2:00. But the real answer is, I’ll probably change my work hours. I can work anywhere from 6AM to 5PM. I have to work 5 days a week (no short weeks allowed), and 40 hours. I could do 6 to 2:30. Nathan would have to take care of the boys every morning. I would get the boys at 3:00, just after Kenny gets off from school. The problem is, I’d still have to pay Vickie $55 per kid for the short time they’d be at her place. I could do 7 to 3:30 and get home at 4. But that’s just one hour early. Not really that much of a difference in the scheme of things. I wish I could find a great flexible part time job. But there are so many people looking and not enough jobs to go around for them. I’ve put out my resume for full time jobs that are at least in the same town (cuts down on driving time and might allow me to get the boys on the bus in the morning).  I haven’t heard anything at all.

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August 18, 2010

Wait a minute? Didn’t you just *have* Kenny? The First Day was wicked for the first few kids, yet by the time Zach got in there, I was STILL a mess. As for Evan? Yay, no diapers!!!!!!

New steps have never bothered me until this past two weeks with my older boy. Looking at the fact that he’ll be leaving home soon bothered me a lot. I hear you on the day care costs. I will be glad when we can work it out that we aren’t paying a fortune for Ben’s care.

August 19, 2010

Happy first week fo school! I hope Evan progresses well!

August 20, 2010

awww kenny is such a big boy now! how cool 🙂 thanks for sharing the experience 🙂

August 23, 2010

Unlike you, I cried every single time I dropped another child off to their first day of Kindergarten. Now that my youngest will be starting second grade, I look forward to school starting just so we can get back to some routine and order around here – from the chaos of summer. And I SO look forward to the peaceful days again. 🙂 No diaper!! Yay! My son is 7 and still wears pull-ups to bed.