Epic Photo Entry

Extremely photo heavy with stories to go along with. These photos start at Easter 2010. Yeah, I’m a lazy bum like that.


My first attempt at a bunny cake. Not too bad if I do say so myself. No coconut though. I despise coconut.
yummy bunny

Daffodils. Actually, I think these came sometime in June instead of Easter. I really need to date photos. Oh well, they go with the Easter theme.
awww, pretty

Evan doing what he’s not supposed to do.
get off the table!

Garfield doing what he’s REALLY not supposed to do.
no, seriously, get off the table

Random Kitty Photo

Nathan, Garfield and D’Artagnan. They ADORE Nathan.
why don't they like me?

More Easter 2010

On Easter Sunday, we went to the park to play with Tesia.
ready, set, go!

Kenny tripped over his own feet. About 1/2 a second later, he was face down on the ground.  He was fine though. Didn’t shed a tear.
2 seconds till impact

Evan was tired and cranky. This is the beginning of the EPIC EASTER PARK MELTDOWN.
not that comfy

He is SO upset.
begin meltdown

The world just ISN’T fair to little boys.
it's so awful!

i wanna slide!

The funny thing is, we didn’t tell him he COULDN’T do those things. We just asked him if he wanted to get a drink of water. We didn’t say he HAD to do it, we just asked if he wanted one. He was so tired that he didn’t really scream or cry, it was just EPIC in the facial expressions and body posture and the tone of  voice. It still makes me laugh, even to see the photos. Nathan just saw them again and started laughing too. he remembers it fondly.

A photo-op by the lake at the park.

but the park is over there!

Wait for me, Daddy! Evan didn’t want to let Nathan out of his sight.

Tesia being the goofball that she is.
so silly

Get me, Daddy! Get me!
maybe he can!

An afternoon Easter egg hunt at Nana’s.
found one!

Mmmmm!! Bunnies! Kenny doesn’t like chocolate (yes, I KNOW!) so he gets a "white candy" bunny for Easter.

Evan likes chocolate. And, he likes to share.

School Plant

Kenny’s class got some random seeds at the dollar store. Everybody’s plant ended up being different.  Kenny’s was the only one to not really bloom while school was in session. So, he brought it home and we potted it (it was in a plastic cup). It took until the middle of June, but here is his flower! Each one of those buds bloomed with the vibrant purple flowers.

it's tall!

Too bad I have NO idea what kind of flower it is. Any ideas?

Kenny’s Birthday

Kenny’s birthday party set up. I made the cake. That’s a funfetti cake with yellow icing and yellow sprinkles and licorice eyes. It’s the Mario Super Star! He loved his cake.

happy birthday!

Kenzie’s Unbirthday

When Kat came to visit we had an "unbirthday" party for Ms. Kenzie. This cake was decorated by Nana with help from Tesia and Evan.

This cake was done up by Kat.

And this is Kenzie showing us how to DIG IN!

At the Science Center

At the St. Louis Science Center there is a bridge that goes over the interstate which connects the two Science Center buildings. There are radar guns and floor windows to watch the traffic go by. This is Evan. He’s afraid of the windows. He edged up closer and closer and closer until he was just barely looking down through the window.


Evan being silly standing in front of the Buzz Aldren life size astronaut photo. This is actually signed by Buzz. You can kind of see his signature under the flag on his arm.

These are space ship seats. The boys are looking at a screen above my head. It shows a shuttle launch sequence and then the world from space. Pretty neat actually.
<img src=”http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v692/MelissaRR2005/August%202010/DSCN1686.jpg&#8221; alt=”” />

These hopscotch numbers play piano sounds when you jump on them.

Evan LOVED this train. There’s a switch board off to the back left you can sort of see. By flipping switches in a certain sequence, the train would: stop, go, go in reverse and go around a certain number of times fast and slow. Unfortunately, there was math involved with the switches and no matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get the train to go AT ALL. The person whose hands you see on the switches was great at it and had the train doing all sorts of things. Yeah, I’m that bad at math.

Kenny being silly on a bench on the bridge.

Spinning the wheels makes lights climb the walls.

Kenny giving me a pirate stare.

My pirates.

The "not supposed to be taken" picture of the boys on the pirate ship.

Kenny at the snack bar waiting for Nathan to finish in the bathroom.

Same thing with Evan.

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August 15, 2010

such adorable boys. you have a beautiful family. ps. i detest coconut also. eugh!

August 15, 2010

your children are adorable!

August 16, 2010

lovely pics, the boys are getting so big! I lol’d a bit at the one of Evan right before he did the face plant, that would be SAm. Heh. You need to post some pics of the sock knitter thingy. Socks is the one thing I wanted to do when I learned to knit but I just can’t use the tiny needles, they make my hands way too sore. Show me!!! 🙂

August 16, 2010

RYN: ROFLMAO! I actually went back to double check which kidlet it was, thought I’d changed it to Kenny…and then didn’t. My brain, I think it’s on permanent holiday. The sock knitter looks nifty though. Can’t wait to see your socks. 🙂

That was fun. Your boys have beautiful eyes.

August 18, 2010

what great pictures – that looked like so much fun 🙂