
It’s Sunday morning. I have blueberry muffins in the oven. The 3 men in my life are all upstairs – still quiet. I know that Nathan is awake (or sort of because his eyes were open when I got up). I’ve heard Evan moving around, but nothing to make me think he’s REALLY awake. And Kenny likes to sleep in, so I KNOW he’s not awake.  I love a quiet house. I love the smell of blueberry muffins. So far, it’s not a horrible morning.

Nathan and I took the boys to the St. Louis Science Center yesterday morning. While it was fun and we really DID get to touch REAL pirate treasure, it wasn’t exactly worth the money. There was a lot of reading to be done. And there were no activities – at ALL. It was more like a regular museum exhibit than an interactive exhibit (like the rest of our Science Center). I would have enjoyed it more if I’d had the time to read every display (there was a LOT to read). But the boys were kind of bored with it. There was a cool part where they had a mock up of the ship. Unfortunately, you couldn’t touch anything and it wasn’t really that big of a deal.  And there was no photography allowed. I took one picture of course, nobody was around to catch me. You can’t really tell they were on the ship though. I’ll put the photo up later.

My backyard is a disgrace. I don’t care how hot it is, Nathan HAS to mow the yard. I’d do it, but I’m not supposed to at all. I don’t have a lot of restrictions from the cardiologist, but mowing the lawn is one of them. I can weed whack, but here is no way I can do the whole yard.

I dyed some of my hair blue. Nathan says it looks weird, but he doesn’t NOT like it. He’s OK with it. I really like it. More than the blond I think. It’s fun. And it’s not terribly noticeable unless I pull the lock next to my face and the rest of it back. After I wash my hair this morning, I’ll post a picture. Latent desire to rebel? I’ve always been a bit of a late bloomer.

My knitted socks are coming along nicely. I’m really enjoying the sock loom. It’s fun and keeps me sane.

The search continues for a proper piano bench and music stand for the piano. I’m still banging away at learning, but my arms hurt from the improper position. I’ve jerryrigged a music holder, but it’s not great. It involves a photo frame holder and some clips. As long as I don’t need to see the bottom line of music, I’m fine.

Ahhh, there’s Evan. He’s kicking his feet on the wall to let me know he’s up. You know, he’s done that since he was about 3 months old. It used to be the edges of his crib, now it’s the wall. He’s so funny.

Nope. He’s still out. No noise. Hm.

Add strawberries to the list of things that destroy my digestive system. That makes me really sad. Red and green peppers – not a huge deal because I can have them in small quantities. Yesterday at about 10:45, I had 4 strawberries. At 1:30, I was in the bathroom. It’s not really fair. I can eat junk like a McDonald’s cheeseburger with no problem whatsoever. But a couple of really nice strawberries make me run for the bathroom. Oh well.

Ohp. There’s Nathan getting up. Time to save and eat some muffins!

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I love early mornings, they are the best. It is quiet and you aren’t tired, yet. Cutting the grass is a ton of work even for a healthy heart. Our Science Center was a huge bust for the children when my sister visited. That reminds me, I was going to write them a letter.