Saved a dog today

Stupid people. Stupid STUPID people. It’s 96 outside. I went to Garden Ridge to shop around because I was bored. I parked and next to my car was a dark gray 4-door with a full size poodle in full coat. The front windows were cracked about 2 inches, but the dog was in the back seat and those windows were not cracked. Poor thing was just looking out the window panting like you wouldn’t believe. So, I called the cops. I waited outside for about 5 minutes, but it got TOO hot for me. About 10 minutes later, I heard the store page the owner of the car with the license plate I gave to the cops.

Poor doggy.  I hope they gave her a HUGE fine.

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August 8, 2010

Random Noter: I am so glad you did that! That poor dog is probably thanking you! (I hope the owners got a huge fine!!)

Good for you.

glad that you were there and called. that poor dog. i hope those people learned a lesson.

August 8, 2010

idiots…they should be forced to sit in their car with the windows cracked for how ever long they left their dog in it.

August 8, 2010

How DUMB are some people?!?!?!?! Well done!!! You DID a great thing!

August 8, 2010

Good going. Why are people so stupid?

That is terrible! I’m glad you did something.

August 8, 2010

Random noter: Its good to know that someone else does that too!!

August 9, 2010

That’s so horrible! You did the right thing. I don’t understand why people don’t understand you can’t leave a dog in a hot car.

August 9, 2010

nice one. people who leave dogs in hot cars should be strung up.

ryn~ have they ruled out a wheat gluten allergy? its the most common thing missed when they rule it ‘ibs’. in my case i’m just extremely nauseated and vomiting periodically. the doctos keep insisting that its a flu or that i’m pregnant (though the tests are always negative for that, like i tell them it will be). i think i have an ulcer, actually, but they won’t test me for it