Tonsils out

Well, Kenny’s tonsils and adnoids are now gone! He had his surgery yesterday. It was a lovely out-patient procedure. We got there at about 8:30. We didn’t have to be at the hospital until 9:45, but I gave myself plenty of time because St. Louis traffic is awful. Of course, we made great time. It wasn’t a big deal though because, being a children’s hospital, there was plenty to keep Kenny busy while we waited to be shown to our "prep and recovery" room. We actually got our room at 9:30. We commenced watching all sorts of Nick Jr. programming. He got some super nasty medicine that was supposed to "make him silly or sleepy." Yeah, he thought he was funny. He laughed a lot. Unfortunately, he was being a complete and total defiant brat. Honestly. When it came time for them to wheel him away from me and to surgery, I was upset, but relieved at the same time. It was noon, so I went down to the cafeteria to get something to eat and stopped in the gift shop. I got back upstairs, and was only alone for about 20 minutes when the doctor came back and said they were done. PHEW! She said that we knew his tonsils were large, but his adnoids were also quite large. She said they’d gotten bigger since our last visit with her and if they’d been that size then, she would have put him on a C-Pap (sleep apnea) machine. Poor little guy. He had a rough waking up in the recovery area, but once he was calmed down he asked for his Nana and Daddy. The nurse in the recovery room said he wouldn’t remember the bad part, too many drugs in his system. She said he’d remember watching t.v. in the first room, taking the nasty medicine and then waking up in that same room. I asked Kenny later and he said almost exactly that. He remembered taking the medicine and being silly. He does NOT remember being wheeled away. He does remember breathing in the cherry mask (his anesthesia mask had cherry flavor in it). He does not remember the first recovery room. He just knows he woke up and I was there in his first room and his throat hurt. That makes me feel good. I’m glad he doesn’t remember waking up at first and me not being there and being scared because of it.  

It took them 3 tries to get his I.V. in. Poor little guy. He wouldn’t let me out of his site after that. He fell asleep briefly while recovering so I ran down to the hospital pharmacy to grab his meds. I got back up and he was still out cold. He threw up 3 times once the nurse made him sit up. It was close, but they let us go home because we’re only 30 minutes away without traffic (an hour with). And because Kenny was mostly awake, they let us go. We got home and my mom stopped by for a bit. Kenny wanted me or Nathan by his side the whole night. I ended up sleeping right next to him in bed until about midnight. A twin bed is not big enough for a 5 year old and 32 year old. It just doesn’t work.  He woke up at 5:00 crying and yelling (not good). So, I run in there and ask him if he’s OK. He shakes his head no and so I do a run through. He’s not bleeding (that I can see), he hasn’t wet the bed, he doesn’t feel feverish, he hasn’t gotten sick. I ask him if he has to go potty and he says yes and immediately gets up to go. He proceeded to have the longest pee of his life. IV fluids must have really filled him up! LOL! I lay back down with him for a bit (he gave me his penguin to snuggle with, the sweetheart) but it was no good. So, I told him I was going back to my bed and that I would come and get him in the morning. He nodded and rolled over. 

We got up at 7:30. He had apple juice and donuts for breakfast. He’s eating pretty normally. The paperwork says no chips or spicy foods for two weeks. I’m not sure if we’ll make it that long. He’s already eating normal foods for the most part.

Melt down. He just woke up from a nap in absolute tears. He didn’t want to swallow the Tylenol. It’s my own fault. He didn’t want any earlier, and I let it go.  Not again. I don’t care how well he’s feeling the rest of today and this week. He’s getting the Tylenol.

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I’m glad he came through with flying colors – that’s adorable about the penguin. 😉

April 20, 2010

A penguin? Sweet boy. Can you give him popsicles? Try those first and then the tylenol, it’ll dull his taste buds and his throat and make things easier to swallow.

April 20, 2010

popsicles are the cure-all in my house. Teething – popsicle, fever – popsicle, soar throat – popsicle, bad day – popsicle, bribery to get something done – popsicle. It works for grown ups too!

April 21, 2010

Glad it went well and Kenny’s doing ok. Yes, no matter what he says keep him dosed up this week!

April 21, 2010

Poor little guy. Hope that he recovers quickly.

It’s really rough when your child is feeling poorly. Ultimately, this will help him but it hard to go through as a parent. I wish him a speedy recovery.

April 22, 2010

brave boy. hope he’s feeling totally like himself really soon. 🙂

April 22, 2010

glad everything was a success. I hope he feels better soon! you’re a great mom 🙂