Barium drink

BLECH! I just drank the barium or whatever they make you drink before a CT scan. NASTY. It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if it hadn’t been ORANGE flavored. YUCK! Ever since the glucose tests when I was pregnant, I have been unable to drink anything "orange" flavored. Orange juice doesn’t count. But you know, orange popsicles, orange kool-aide, orange drinks. YECH! EWWWW! And I can’t have anything else until my appointment at 11:30. It’s 7:30 now. And then, they’re going to want me to drink MORE of that crap. I was literally in tears drinking it here. It’s that bad for me. I’m going to BEG them to allow me to drink as little as possible. I just can’t do it. It’s going to make me get sick.

Speaking of sick, yesterday was a pretty bad day for me. Not sure what set it off, but I was in the bathroom about twice and hour and was so nauseus on top of that. Man I hope that there is a cure for whatever it is that’s attacking me.
Busy day ahead. I’m supposed to go to a birthday party for a 3 year old at 2. We’ll see. It depends on how bad I feel from the drink and tests and not eating. And we have Tesia for a bit today. My sister is moving today and is using professional movers. It’ll all be done faster if Tesia just isn’t around. I flat out told my sister that I was not going to help her clean her old apartment. I said I would rather have Tesia next weekend too. And that’s the honest truth. I can not STAND cleaning other people’s messes. I’ve had to do it several times with my in-laws because they have rental properties. I am not doing it for my sister either.
I’m going to go wallow in self pity on the couch for a bit as my stomach grumbles.
I need to end on a good note.
Nathan got a new lawnmower this week. And because he went on Tax Day to where my mom works, he didn’t have to pay any taxes AND he got to use my mom’s discount. It saved us about $50.
It’s not going to be terribly hot or cold this weekend. The sun is shining.

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April 17, 2010

I feel your pain with the barium drink. I’ve had to do a few of those. They’re almost on par with the colonoscopy prep drinks they give you to drink. I can’t tell you how much those things have ruined certain things for me, namely orange and any sort of white pop. Hope all turns out well for you.

I haven’t had to drink that stuff but it sounds dreadful.