Family D-R-A-M-A

 I have family drama going on. My older sister. It comes down to the point that Nathan and I will not co-sign on an apartment for her. I’ve told her several times that Nathan wouldn’t co-sign on ANYTHING for ANYBODY except to get the boys’ credit started with their cars (which we would be paying for anyhow).  We had this same drama when she moved out of my mom’s house. She got her dad to co-sign but he’s preparing to file bankruptcy now too and can’t do it for a different apartment. She can’t stay where she is because her lease is up and the owner’s want to renovate the apartment. I offered her a place to stay so she wouldn’t have to move back in with my mom. I can put Kenny and Evan together and she could have Kenny’s room and the playroom for Tesia. But she doesn’t want to do that. Not enough space, grown woman, blah blah blah. Then I say I’ll ask my FIL if he has anything he can get her into (and maybe even at a reduced rate) and she said, "But he doesn’t have anything in your school district." Come ON. If you are going to be a beggar, you can’t be choosey. Take what I’m trying to offer you. For the love of all that’s HOLEY. I’m trying to help. I’ve offered a couple of solutions. I said she could move in with us temporarily while they renovate the apartment she’s in and then she could move back in. She doesn’t want to move back in to the apartment she’s in. It’s got paper thin walls, it’s old, blah blah BLAH!
GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s not that I don’t want to help my sister. I do want to help her. I would just like to stay married to my husband at the same time. You know?  So, Heather’s in absolute tears. I’m upset because that is partly my fault. I don’t want her to hate Nathan, but he’s just watching out for us. I can’t honestly fault him for that. Sometimes I wish I lived a bit farther away from my family. I wouldn’t be in the center of the DRAMA. Sheesh.

Anyhow, on to other topics.
Going to the Circus on Sunday! WOOH! I hope it’s good. There’s supposed to be some seriously famous tight rope walkers there. We’ll see.
I’m having Twizzlers for breakfast. 😉

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March 19, 2010

I would reccommend Starburst Jelly beans for breakfast myself. Sorry you are having so much trouble with your sister. No one should have to co-sign anything… here that is when you go to a weekly payment or find a duplex with a nice landlord.

Sheesh. Sounds like you’re *already* at the circus. Family. I’m anti-Family myself this week. 😉

March 19, 2010

have fun at the circus! Not to be a jerk, but your sister IS a grown woman. You have offered her several solutions and she doesn’t want it. She wants charity on her own terms, and it doesn’t work that way. You, rightly so, can only make decisions like this if Nathan is on board, and you offered solutions he was okay with. That’s it. Don’t let her make you feel guilty. Times aretough and families are moving in with each other all over the place. Sure, you feel bad because you can’t do more, but you and Nathan are right not to sign with her. If she gets into a squabble with the landlord, he’ll be looking to whoever has 2 nickles to rub together, not her. I’m sorry you have to be put in that place 🙁

March 21, 2010

Good grief! I just realized that I didn’t say anything about this. How your life must have been on hold?!?!?!? She needs to grow UP. Take care of her child and do what she has to do to keep her and Tesia under a roof. YOU are not her caregiver. You are her sister. You and Nathan plan to be together forever, and not in debt because of her. She needs to wake up.

March 21, 2010

How was the circus? You know, the one with animals?

April 15, 2010

So, wait. (Random noter.) She’s complaianing about not wnting to move back into an apartment that’s ‘old,’ and has ‘paper-thin walls,’ yet this is the same apartment they’re doing RENNOVATIONS on????