
Well, Kenny had his ENT follow up today. He’s going to have his tonsils and adnoids out this April. BOOH! Oh well. I’ve been told it’s easier on kids than adults. I just know it was FUCKING miserable for me. I was hoping to avoid this for Kenny, but I guess not.  Since we were at Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, we crossed the street and had a Mommy and Me day at the zoo. Below are LOADS of pictures.

It was only 9:45 when we got to the zoo. The sun was out though and the big cats were OUT and playing or lazing about. Usually, they’re hiding in the caves or the shade. It wasn’t crowded at all.

This is actually one of 3 classic St. Louis Zoo shots. I have a picture of myself either under or on top of that gorilla when I was a kid too. Kenny is telling me that he is TOO looking at the camera.

Classic zoo photo #2. I also have photos of myself doing almost the exact same thing as Kenny. He’s growling at me in this photo. Because, you know, that’s what hippos do. 😉

Kenny trying to brush a goat that honestly DIDN’T want to be brushed. He snuck up on this one after it had been avoiding him for a good 5 minutes.

Ahhh.  A meeting of the minds. This goat was actually sleeping on the benches. Kenny got up there next to him and said, "Hi, Goat!" The goat just snored at him.

Somebody is enjoying the nice weather.

Classic photo op #3. This is right outside the entrance to the zoo. These boulders have bronze animals all over them.

Evan letting me know that he has been taught how to make faces just like "Yo Gabba Gabba!" Greeeeeaaaaat.

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March 11, 2010

He is just so cute!! Next time, get him to flop in the hippo’s mouth, like he’s hippo food!!!That goat picture is just priceless!!!

March 11, 2010

brilliant photos. looks like a lovely day. 🙂 x

March 12, 2010

Looks like a great day after the ENT appt. Kids have a WAY easier time with the surgery, yep, so although you had a really rough go, Kenny will probably breeze through it.

You are lucky for two reasons living in the states. One your zoos are mainly free. I am saving for Ben and me to go. Second, you can get an operation like that one without a huge fight. A teacher at school, her son needs it. They make very sure on our medical system due to our not having to pay. The poor thing has suffered and he is on a waiting list. Sure, we don’t go broke with medical procedures but if it is not completely necessary, they debate it. Oh, I love your son, he is adorable.