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My Cousin writes, "BAH – HUMBUG! got a case of coca-cola yesterday and it says on the can…"HOLIDAY 2009" this serious! If you don’t like Jesus then just DONT celebrate my CHRIST-MAS! ahhh venting. Love ya’ll :)"

I responded with, "Christmas is just one day (albeit a very special day). The "holidays" started at the beginning of November. It includes Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and any non-Christian holiday in there too. Santa may appear on the cans, but the spirit of it all is for everybody at any tme. I’m sure Coke isn’t just for Christians…"

I don’t honestly want to start shit with my cousin. I just get tired of supposed Christians stating that everything should be about Christians and Christianity. Not everybody on this planet is Christian. How about acknowledging the fact that other people may have other beliefs with holidays and festivals too? In this case, Coke is just trying to sell as much product as possible during this holiday heavy period of the year. By going generic with "Happy Holidays" they’ll sell more soda. I think some Christians need to get over themselves. Not everything is about them. Good Christians realize and accept others as they are. They may go on missionary trips to bring their Word to others. They may never go to church, but have a strong Faith besides that. They may help each other. And I’m pretty sure that Jesus would love everybody, even people who don’t really believe in him or have faith that revolves around him. I’m pretty sure that good Christians are supposed to pray and love everybody and to show tolerance for those different from them. Am I wrong?


Her response to mine: Christmas is not just for Christians either……atheist take off the "holiday" too. If I choose not to celebrate Halloween that is my choice, but I am not going to make them stop hanging skeletons and start making them say "hallelujah" instead. This is just the beginning of the PC this "holiday season". Missy, I know what coke means by the PC statement "Holidays" when they used to advertise Christmas before the rest of the world began to rip it up.

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Ummm, no…I never think about it when it says…Happy Holidays. There are all types of religions that celebrate in the winter months. Actually, I would think it funny to worry about a coke can.

November 14, 2009

so which one was it?

November 14, 2009

That’s kinda funny that people get a bee in their bonnet about it. Has she never heard of ‘inclusivity’? I have just started to make our ‘xmas cards’ for this year, and just like last year’s they will say ‘Happy Holidays!’.

November 16, 2009

I totally hear you. I don’t really care what people say or display to celebrate whatever this time of year means to them, as long as I’m allowed to behave the same way.

November 16, 2009

If we’re honest about it the religious meaning to Christmas got lost amongst the commercialism many years ago. I think just the fact that people are nicer to each other at this time of the year is a bonus. Thank you so much for your note. x

ryn: See, when I feel instead of think that’s how I feel, too. Il Voce and I fell in love at 19 and WE were too dumb to do the right thing about it – so I know Bender and Uhura COULD live happily ever after. I hope they do.

A person could go CRAZY if they set themselves up as the PC Police, or the Anti-PC Police come to that. I wonder if the Pope has a stand on Coke cans? 😀