Piggy flew in the window

Kenny has the flu. It’s probably H1N1 (swine), but we don’t know. We refused the test. This is the conversation at the pediatrician’s office:

Nathan: He definitely has the flu though, right?
Nurse Practitioner: Yes. He definitely has the influenza, we just can’t tell which without the test.
N: Is the care for both types the same?
NP: Yes. And you’ll want to watch for the complications, which are the same for both.
N: Then it doesn’t really matter what kind of flu he has. He HAS it. Why upset Kenny with an unneeded test.
NP: That’s your choice. But if he’s still got a fever on Monday, we’ll have to do the test along with some other because he’ll probably have one of the complications.
N: We’ll cross that bridge if we have too.

Sometimes I really love how he handles things. The NP was really pushing for the test, but Nathan didn’t want to torment Kenny. Apparently, the test involves sticking a Q-Tip way up in his nasal cavity. The NP said it was "moderately uncomfortable but not painful."  We’ve decided to also only treat the fever if it’s really making him feel awful. Right now, he’s at 100.2 (much lower than yesterday) without any meds. He’s got a bit of a headache, but he’s playing Mario Party 8 on the Wii and is doing just fine.  He’s not eating the best, but he’s drinking OK. He’s crabby though. And I’m going to make him take a nap later. For at least a little bit.

His doctor’s office is treating every flu like H1N1 though. Everybody gets a minimum of 3 days out of school. So, Kenny can’t go back until Tuesday at the earliest. I’m home today and Monday with him. Nathan was home yesterday with him. If he needs to stay home after Monday, Nathan will take him. Of course, that will mean he’s probably REALLY sick and will be at the Children’s Hospital downtown and I’ll be there too. I’m not leaving his side if he’s that sick.


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October 23, 2009


October 23, 2009

Well, N’s outlook is pretty sensible. Kenny would have been so upset at having a 1-tip shoved up his sinus! Hope he feels better over the weekend though. Poor sprite. And that the rest of you stay flu-free.

October 23, 2009

I agree with salty dog – N is pretty sensible. if it’s all the same (ducks and geese both lay eggs and swim, right?) then spare poor Kenny. hope he feels better!

October 23, 2009

Yes, very sensible. I agree. The whole world is going crazy with this thing. Do people not realise that people have been dying of normal flu forever????

I really hope that he gets better very soon. I will say some prayers.

Honestly I don’t think there’s a huge difference between seasonal and H1N1. Flu is flu right? We all have H1N1…. I think though it’s all hype. The Flu virus mutates, that’s what it does. I hope Kenny feels better soon. btw. Random noter. 🙂