A real entry?

Maybe, just maybe I’ll actually write something. I’ve been doing a lot of photo entries lately. It’s a cop-out. I’ve been lazy which is the truth.

  • I went to something called "The Strange Folk Festival" two towns over this weekend and had a good time. It’s an arts and crafts type festival, but a lot of the stuff is "natural" and "upcycled." My aunt had a booth. She makes toys and mittens out of old sweaters. There are other things too, but I don’t remember. I got some really nice yarns for presents. The stuff I’m working with now is nice a bulky. It’s 100% sheep’s wool, so it’s a tad scratchy feeling. But the color! And the texture! It’s just great. I had to bring some yarn to work with me to keep though. I’ve got some stuff, I think it’s alpaca wool or it might be soft hemp, that Garfield keeps trying to purloin. 4 times I’ve caught him walking away from my yarn bag with this giant ball of green yarn. So, I’ve brought it to the office to hide in my drawer until I’ve finished with the purple wool. I’ll show pictures eventually.
  • Kenny can draw trucks! ACTUAL trucks! He brought me home a picture that he drew the other day and it was definitely a truck. It had a semi-truck part in the front and a big box part for the back. He told me it was a moving truck and that’s why it didn’t have as many wheels. Holy crap. My kid can actually DRAW things now! He’s 4 and some months and he can draw! I’m so impressed. I wonder if he’ll be artistic. I can’t draw worth a crap, but Nathan and his family can.
  • Evan is still suffering bouts of separation anxiety. He’s been pretty bad since I got home from my trip. I can go to the bathroom by myself, but if I try to leave the house on an errand, he completely flips out. But, he’s such a big boy too. He can sing the ABC’s all by himself and he counts. And he’s finally starting to tell me when he needs a diaper change. I’m bringing out the potty seats tonight. He’s bribable with candy and cookies. I’ll get him to sit on the potty with those. We’ve told Kenny that if he helps, then he can have a candy too.
  • Missing my sister and her baby. Wish they were closer.
  • Suffered a HORRIBLE bought of "daughter envy" while I was visiting her. I really REALLY wanted a little girl. We were in the Disney store out there. And I kept looking at all the wonderful costumes. ~Side bar, there was this child’s Belle costume there that was $150! It was gorgeous, but who gives their kid a $150 costume? End side bar~ There were the pretty dolls and all the cute and pretty girl things and almost nothing for boys. And then I realized that I had no girl to share the joy of princesses with. No girl to do up her hair. No girl to come to me with all those important questions that girls need their moms for. I began to worry that my relationship with my boys will be like my husband’s relationship with his mom. They barely speak to each other. EVER. They aren’t close. Not like moms and daughters are. And it made me hurt. It hurt REALLY bad.  I still have that feeling a bit. Nathan knows it and he has even brought up the possibility of some day adopting a little girl. I think he’d like one too. A little princess to call his own.  Sigh. I don’t really want to be pregnant EVER AGAIN. And I really do love my boys with all my heart. I do. They are my reason for being. But to have a little girl would be nice too. I’m just saying…
  • My older sister has created an OD. I’ve not told her my user name and I don’t know hers. It’s one thing for my twin sister to read my diary, she already knows everything in here anyhow. It’s quite another to have my older sister read it. It’s personally none of her business. I don’t state that to be mean. It’s just that we already spend quite a lot of time together. And I know that her views are not the same as mine. She’d be personally affronted and upset if she read half the things that I write in here, and I don’t write anything THAT bad. But she would take it as such. I don’t want the drama.
  • I have to get back to work. Time got away from me.
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September 30, 2009

you’ve been busy. 🙂 ryn: blue eyes? top right hand corner? that’s my little brother. 🙂

October 1, 2009

ryn2: thank you, he might be 6ft, blond and pretty, but we have the same eyes!! 🙂

I feel closer to my big boy than any other child. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my daughter but she just doesn’t share things with me. I always hope it will get better. One thing that is fun about her is that she loves ‘girlie’ things. It is fun, I have to admit.

October 9, 2009

ryn: we are skipping the junior bed thing (I assume that’s the same as a toddler bed) and just going straight from cot to bed, but doing a few months in the cot with the side taken off, so he gets used to the space first.