Gratuitous photo entry, update on my sis

Photos from…recently.

Kenny riding the helicopter at the mall on his 4th birthday. He was so serious! He was pretending to fight fires in it. My little man.

Kenny at Tee Ball. He’s the one in green shorts and red hat.

Kenny, Evan, and Daddy playing bubbles.

Evan at the top of the McDonald’s play land

More Kenny in Tee Ball. He’s the one in the dark shirt and red hat.

Zoo Photos from today:

The carousel

Evan’s first ride on the carousel (with Aunt Heather)

Tesia riding on the carousel

Kenny riding on the carousel

Deciding where to go next

Riding the train together (Evan and Tesia’s first time)

In the tunnel

Watching me

Playing in the water fountain in the childrens’ zoo

Update on my sister and the baby: Well things are as expected. The pediatric urologist has confirmed the cystic kidney. It probably has no function. But the OTHER kidney looks "perfect" which is wonderful news. She should be just fine. There is no reason to take the baby early. There’s no reason the baby shouldn’t thrive once born. They’ll watch her and do some extra ultrasounds now and after birth. But all signs point to just letting things go unless absolutely necessary. It’s a worry still, but there’s a lot more confidence about the whole thing now.

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July 27, 2009

beautiful pictures, your boys are so cute. 🙂 x

July 27, 2009

Evan looks SOOO much more grown up than Toby. He doesn’t even have baby pudge on his cheeks anymore! And how brave is he climbing up to the top of that enormous play thing! OMG! Toby would NEVER do that!!! I’m glad the news about your sister and baby is good.

It might be that the other kidney functions when the baby is born. Alright, it might not be realistic but I like to be overly positive.:) I love all the photos. Your little boy is like my children, tiny skinny arms and legs. They look so fragile but they are total power houses leaving all the other children in the dust. Oh, the others eyes are like saucers on the carousal.

July 27, 2009

Great pics! The boys look like they’re thriving this summer. 🙂 Great news about the baby too, that must be a bit of a relief to hear, for everyone. Even though you worry until the babe’s here anyway.