2009/2010 Fox Theater Season

<– Real entry that-a-way

Season Ticket Shows
In the Heights November 10-22, 2009
White Christmas December 15-27, 2009
Grease is the word! (not sure what this is), January 12-24, 2010
August Osage County (not a musical), March 2-14, 2010
Mel Brooks Young Frankenstein, May 11-23, 2010
Wicked, June 16-July 11, 2010

Off Series Specials (for pre-order)
Little House on the Prairie – The Musical, Nov 24-29
Dickens’ "A Christmas Carol", Dec 10-13
Chicago, January 1-3
The Color Purple, Feb 2-7
Mama Mia!, February 16-21
Legally Blonde, the Musical April 8-11
Avenue Q April 30-May 2

Looks like I’ll be buying season tickets for next season too. I’m not sure what "Grease is the Word!" is. I looked online and it looks like it’ll be "Grease" but with cast members that won some sort of televised competition as the stars. Should be interesting. It’ll be the 3rd time I’ve seen Wicked. 🙂

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May 15, 2009

ryn: yeah, I know, that is the sensible thing to do, but we at least need a contigency plan, because it could literally just die any minute and need to be towed. ;-/

May 15, 2009

I am jealous 🙁 We have very little here in the way of theatre that isn’t lame beyond words. Although the local high school does a very good job.

ryn: dude if getting up were an option I would have. I couldn’t move my leg at all. It took my whole calf and turned it into stone. It made my knee lock. All I could do was wiggle my toes at first. When I said that I’ve never had one this bad, I meant it…it was the worst one I’ve ever had…even worse than the arch of the foot cramps. You know the ones that make your toes bend in directions theyaren’t supposed too…