Saturday Morning

So, here it is, 7:30 on a Saturday morning and I’m up. I woke up wide awake and alert at 6:30 this morning. Not scared, not upset, and I didn’t have to go to the bathroom. What the hell? All week, I woke up 45 minutes before my alarm went off and just lay there until it was time to get up. And then today, well at least I was able to sleep in until 6:30. Geemanetly.  Not sure what we’re going to do today. It’s spot showers, and it’s going to be cool out. Maybe I will finally make it to the zoo. I’ve said it for the last 3 weekends, and have yet to make it there. It’s supposed to be in the low 60’s too. Maybe it won’t be too crowded.
My MIL is going to be a new source of yarn for me. She said that she’s going to keep an eye out and when she finds some on sale, she’s going to buy it for me. 🙂 Not that I don’t have about 50 balls of yarn waiting to be turned into blankets and hats right now. A girl can never have too much yarn. Once I finish this horrible blanket  on the big loom, I’m going to start a fun one. It’s pink and fuzzy. It’s for my neice April’s birthday. 🙂 Yes, I’m going to get her something fun too. But, her mom is buying her a fouton for her bedroom (to go along with her bed) so she can have friends stay the night. I’m making the blanket for the fouton. 🙂
It’s been a sad week for us at the office. 2 employees have suffered. One was our receptionist. She died of cancer on Monday morning. She was a single mom and left behind a 19 year old daughter. The girl’s father gave up all rights to her before she was even born. There is an uncle, but they are not on good terms at all. Thankfully, he has stepped up to the plate to pay for a decent burial for her. Other than that, the daughter is really left with nothing. She’s in college and has a part time job. Her mom had cancer insurance and life insurance, but it’s just enough to pay off the rest of the hospital bills and to give the daughter about 2 months rent in the little house they shared.  The other lady is actually the Cancer Victem’s replacement. Monday night she and her husband were at a family dinner when he suffered a major stroke. By the time they got to the hospital, he was already braindead. He died on Friday. They had discussed in detail about organ donation, and he wanted to donate as much as possible. She was praying for a miracle all week. But, the miracle didn’t happen for her. He was 100% brain dead. No movement. No activity. No response to pain or voice. A machine was making him breath and keeping his heart going. They were going to have to start using very harsh medicines and the organs were going to suffer, so she made the very honorable and hard decision to let him go. She allowed them to take as many organs as they could. I don’t know how many people were saved because of her sacrifice, but she made miracles happen for other people.

I hope I’m never in her position.
I got my sister a really nice baby gift off of her registry. OK. So, I didn’t buy it at the place she registered for. Still. I told her to take it off of her registry. I found it for $25 cheaper and with free shipping at PLUS, I already had $25 worth of reward points saved up. So, instead of costing $189 plus another $15 for shipping, I paid $135 with free shipping. YAY! It’ll arrive at her in-laws (same town) next week. I bought her the Happy Boppy Playard. It’s a really nice pack-n-play type thing. I think it’s cute. It’s in pretty shades of tan and brown. It’ll be lovely with the pink and green dragonfly room she’s doing for the baby. Did I mention she’s having a GIRL? Well, 70% sure it’s a girl. YAY! GIRL! WOOHOO! Of course, if it’s a boy – YAY! BOY! WOOHOO!  And I’m just happy about it. They’ve picked out a name too. Mackenzie Rayne. They’re calling her Kenzie. 🙂 I love the name. It’s like a feminine version of Kenneth. Kenneth was my grandfather’s name (which is where MY Kenny got his name). I like to think they’re naming the baby after him too. 🙂 He would have loved it. Little Kenzie is going to be spoiled. There are a couple of reasons for this: 1 – There’s a strong chance that she is the last grandchild for my mother. 2 – There’s a strong chance that she’s the first, last and ONLY grandchild for her inlaws. 3 – She live half a country away from the rest of us, so we’re going to be buying and sending all sorts of great things to her all the time because we’re not there to spoil her in person.
I have a Wii Fit injury. Stupid boxing. I over-extended the muscles on the insides of my elbows. And now they’re a bit tender. Yeah, I’m a dork. 

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That is really terrible about that young girl losing her mother. She is going to have it rough. I hate waking up for no reason. It drives me crazy. My mum weaves. I don’t do anything at all like this. I would like to learn to spin one day, though.

Wii fit injuries….silly girl…you don’t really have to hit him that hard!

May 2, 2009

That’s so sad! About the receptionist AND the receptionist replacecments hubby. Wii injuries are more common than you think. I had a wicked case of baseball elbow when we first played, lol.