Not broken

Well the doctor was pretty sure the wrist isn’t broken. I’m in a brace. It’s really  hard to type in it. work is gonna be fun. If I’m hurting bad on Monday, I’m supposed to call the ortho doctor. Considering I have limited use of my ring and pinky fingers, I’m probably gonna call. On the plus side, the entire e.r. visit was less than 2 hours! They have something called "fast track" in it. It’s like an urgi care inside the e.r. If they’re pretty sure you’re not going to be admitted, they send you on fast track. Waiting room time was like 10 minutes. Then 20 minutes in my room waiting for a doctor. Then 15 for the X-Ray. That took another 15 minutes. Then about 30 minutes for the doctor to come back and give the news and brace. And then 15 or so until the nurse came to spring me. 🙂 Nice.

Still, no knitting right now. And limited typing and computer work because I can’t use my hand properly.  That and my shoulder is really sore from where it took a hit too. I have massive bruises on my knees.

Grace, thy victim is Keepsake.

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April 12, 2009

Well, at least you haven’t broken anything!!

April 12, 2009

Glad it’s not broken! But still sounds like its going to ache for a bit. Again, baby gates EVIL!

April 12, 2009

Thank goodness for that. So did you crash THROUGH the gate? As in, you forgot it was there? I did a good one late one night while we were staying in a holiday rental. I just went straight through it and straight onto my face. I was so half asleep at the time so I just lay there trying to work out what I’d done. Didn’t hurt myself thank goodness, but oh man, it makes me laugh just thinkingabout it now.

Ouch! We do the jump over the baby gate thing. I’m sorry that you hurt yourself so badly.

Mom TOLD you to use the gate door and to stop trying to just walk over it. I’m sorry you’re hurt, but you’re getting a BIG “I-told-you-so” from me. That’s why I ratted you out to Mom….ha ha

April 13, 2009

ARG! That’s aggravating! I hope it heals quickly.