
We had 4 inches of wet nasty snow last night. It was so heavy, it actually took out one of my FIL’s Bradford Pear trees at one of his rentals. This was a 20 or 30 foot tree. Right now? It’s about 50 degrees and all the snow is gone! My daffodils look like they took a beating, but they’re still gloriously yellow. And my grass is a lovely shade of green.
I raided my MIL’s stash of yarn yesterday. I got some really funky teal green and a funny orange and some white too. She’s got about 100 more skeins of yarn that she said I could have! I don’t have a place to store it though, so I left it all there. I spent about $20 on yarn at Hobby Lobby this weekend too. Granted, half of the yarn is for a blanket for my neice for her birthday. I’m going to make her a hobo bag too. She’s turning 6 this year. Such a big girl!
I HATE the yarn I’m working with right now. It’s all loopy. It’s really cool, and the blanket for the couch is gonna look awesome when I’m done with it, but I STILL hate working with this yarn. It’s just a pain in the ass. I’d frog it and use the yarn for something else, but undoing the yarn will be a pain because of all the loops. So, I’ll finish what I started. Blech. I’m never buying that type of yarn again.
Speaking of yarn, I bought a big old tub to put all my yarn in. yeah, can’t put the lid on it properly. Need to STOP BUYING YARN until I use up all the stuff I have! YIKES!
I had to buy a new DVD player today. Ours died. Actually, I’m pretty sure I killed it. A month or so ago, I left it on and running (paused). I forgot about it. The DVD player ran for about ohhhhh 4 weeks. Burnt out the lens. Nathan tried to clean it, and it would bring up the menu of any DVD we put in, but after you made a selection, it would give a black screen and spin the disc, but nothing else would happen. Hello trashcan. The new DVD player is small and it only cost about $40. When I bought that old DVD player, it cost about $100. But, that was right after Nathan and I got married. So, prices have come down.
Target had Wii fits. I called Nathan. He said not to get one. Bummer. Sometimes, living on a budget really sucks. But, I guess I kind of blew the budget when I put the 4 Rent tickets on my credit card. Yeah. Still. I’d rather see Rent  starring Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp than have a Wii Fit. 😉
I’m reheating spaghetti and Pizza Hut cheese sticks for dinner tonight. Fancy, I know. But I’m not in the mood to cook.
Got all the Easter basket stuff at Target. I had Kenny in tow. I just told him it was for Easter Morning so that we could suprise Evan. I told him he has to wait for next weekend to see what I bought makes it into his basket. He was only partially paying attention to what I put into the shopping cart because he was busy picking out a bunny for Evan’s basket. I didn’t buy any chocolate. I think Evan likes chocolate a little, but Kenny doesn’t. So, I got 2 Easter Pezz dispensers with candy, some Peeps, coloring books with crayons, Wow Wow Wubzy suprise toy eggs, and some Smarteez candies. And the Easter Bunny will also bake and give the boys cupcakes with Easter frosting and sprinkles.
I really should do a couple of loads of laundry. I need clothes and so does Kenny. My back hurts though, so I’m procrastinating.

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March 29, 2009

wash the underwear. The rest can wait.

March 30, 2009

I think it’s so cool you’re making all that stuff for bolivia 🙂 I miss the easter bunny!