Writing an entry

So, my couch came yesterday. Love it. 🙂 

Went to "Monkey Joes" earlier yesterday. Kenny had a blast. Evan was in full-on panic mode the entire time. Waste of $6 on his part. However, Kenny got his entire $9 worth of bouncing fun.

Spent $300 at Target today. Didn’t really get anything amazing. Just some odds and ends we needed. The big ticket items were a box of diapers, a sheet set for Evan, 2 bras, and a pair of fake boobs for "help" filling out my bras.

Speaking of bras. I’m a 36A. Yeah. Nothing like having the same bra size as a bunch of 14 year olds. Actually, I’m closer to a 38A, but it’s next to impossible to find. So, I go with the 36. I have a large ribcage thanks to a lot of swimming in childhood and pregnancy.  I want boobs. Real boobs. You know, so I don’t look like I’m 14 when I take my shirt off. It’s embarassing. My husband doesn’t mind, but I do. My mom keeps telling me that I’ll get mine in a couple of years. She started putting on weight when she was 35, so I probably will too. She looks GREAT now. She’s got curves and is beautiful with them. She thinks she’s overweight, but I think she looks good. I’m taller than her though, so I’m not sure if it’ll work the same way.

I’m sick of winter. It’s nasty cold outside right now. I feel 100% pity for anybody further north than me. I don’t know how you stand it.

Laundry beckons…

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March 2, 2009

I can never go into target and just buy that one thing I went there to get!

March 2, 2009

Well, at least you can wear fun flirty bras instead of industrial strength granny- bras. There is NOTHING sexy about anything with three (or more) hooks.