Change of plans

Well, drats. Thanks to all sorts of things and the economy, I’m not getting my sofa with the tax returns. Though Nathan is sure we’re getting loads back, there’s just too much going on right now. First, we are spending a pretty penny on my new computer. Yes, we’re still doing the "just one computer" thing and it’s driving me crazy. And the other big thing that I’m worried about (Nathan, not so much) is the fact that according to the HR department in my company we’re "lucky the doors are still open." We found out Friday that our health insurance costs have changed. Based on what I make, the money taken out of my paycheck every month is going from $75 to $150. Yeah. Ouch. And the copays and co-insurance and all that other stuff is changing too. I don’t know how it all works, but there you go. It’s costing me more in the end. Let’s just say I’m glad I had my surgery already this year. Imagine if I had put it off. The cost out of pocket would have been around $1,000, as it was, I think it’s going to be like $350 (haven’t gotten the bill yet). Sigh. BUT, Nathan said that if things go OK, maybe later this year we’ll get the sofa. Oh well.

On the job front. I’d like to think that if the company DID need to close, that I would be one of the last to let go. I mean, I do all that personal stuff for the owners and the president of the company really likes me (I’m always part of his special teams and groups and "secret" parties). I’d like to think that they’d keep me around until the very end. I may have to be reassigned to different jobs, but that’s OK. It’s not looking good though for my company. We make gas powered heaters, fireplaces, cast iron "stoves" (another type of heater) and grills. The heaters and fireplaces are mostly for new home construction. Umm, housing market problems anybody? We do some decent business selling fireplace mantels, but it’s not enough to keep the company open. The "stoves" sell OK. They’re cast iron and don’t have to be "built in" so they can be installed at any time. Problem is that they are kind of expensive and you have to get them from a "dealer." Oh, and they weigh a freaking TON. You HAVE to have 3 or 4 people to move the things. And the grills are not the type you’d find in a store. They are "high end" grills. We’re talking the cheapest is around $750. You have to go to a "grill dealer" to buy them. They are definate "luxury items." Nobody is buying luxury right now. It’s just ugly.  I’d like my company to make it. They’ve been operating since the turn of the century. Part of the building is 200 years old. The plant is built up around some older buildings that used to be outside. There’s a cornerstone dating to right after the American Civil War. It would be an absolute shame if the company didn’t make it. It made it through the first big depression. During WW2, women built bomb casings while all the men were off fighting (you should see the pictures!). I just don’t know though.

My throat is feeling better. I still have problems with lemonade (OW!) and some spicy food still really hurts. But, at dinner today I was able to get a whole can of Cherry Coke down without wanting to cry! YAY! It’s so good to feel that sugar and caffeine shooting through my system right now. LOL! I’m WIRED! Salty* was right. I feel so much better today than I did at the same time last week. I can’t believe it. I’m still a bit sore, but I’m definately on the up now. I’m going to put on my weight and then we’ll all be back to normal! WOOH!

I was at Target yesterday when Nathan calls. He said that the microwave oven wasn’t working. It had worked fine earlier, but apparently the start button would work. So, I should pick up a new one. I picked one out, lugged it to the counter and into the van and everything. AND, I had Kenny with me. Blah. I get home, and guess what. The microwave works just fine for me. What a pain. Not sure what was wrong with it for Nathan, but I believe him. Still. Silly boy. I had to go BACK to Target 30 minutes after I purchased the new microwave and return it. Thankfully, they took my excuse of "not needed afterall" as a good return excuse.

I was wiped yesterday after that, and ended up falling asleep on the couch for 3 hours. I woke up and it was 4:30! What a waste of a nice day. The weather broke and it was 70 (F) out. And I slept through it. Oh well, guess I needed that nap if it was able to sneak up on me like that.

I made two pairs of slippers on my new wooden loom today. Same pattern (with some minor adjustments" can be used to make mittens. Watch out world, I’m a knitting loom fool. I’ll be making a load of mittens for JJ to take with her when she goes back to Bolivia. I feel that she will go back and she’ll need a load mittens and hats for all those needy folks.

Man, this got long. Bath time for the kiddos.

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February 9, 2009

Oh boy Keepsake. First? I’ll be praying for your work, and all it’s American history, to stay OPEN!!! And you working!!!!!!!!!! And I teared up and started crying when I read about the mittens. SNiff. You are a DOLL!!!

February 9, 2009

Yay! You’re feeling better! ANother week and you’ll be thinking ‘dude, that surgery was totally worth it’. 🙂

February 11, 2009

I’d love to see some pics of your loom stuff 🙂