
Well, I had my pre-op appointment yesterday. While I was in my little room at the testing center, I was able to watch live the plane crash rescue effort. I’m glad everybody made it out alive. YAY for the pilot!

The phlebotomist managed to NOT butcher my arm! WOOH!

The anesthesiologist was funny. She said that after surgery, I might have a dry and scratchy throat from the breathing tube! HAHAHAHAHAHAA! We both just kind of grinned because she already asked me about my throat and how it feels since I’m having a tonsillectomy.

I really hate having to fill out the Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney. Necessary? Definately. It still doesn’t make it any easier to do.


Just so you all know – If something happens to me and I’m in a total vegitative state, keep me plugged in for about a month just in case and then let me go. I won’t stick around longer than that. And then, I want to be cremated. Part of me goes to my happy place when it’s warmer (the lake by my grandmother’s home). Take another part to NYC so that I can tell the other ghosts that I’ve been there. And then spread the rest someplace warm and tropical, just so I’m never cold. DO NOT STICK ME IN A WALL OR IN A TOMB. I WANT/NEED TO BE FREE.

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January 16, 2009

not to make light of ANY surgery but my friend had his tonsils out a couple of weeks ago and was EATING the next day. This might not happen with you though due to your infection but they are pretty good these days. Hope it spells the end to all your hassles. Good luck matey

January 16, 2009

note me after your op and I will send you a (very small) keepsake from OZ if you have a P o box or something where you feel you can get me to post it to you (like work or something) and, please, dont ask for your tonsils in a jar or something gross like they used to do, its horrible

You know what? When I read what you want done with your ashes “just in case,” my first thought was, “When she has recovered from surgery the first thing she should do is GO to those places.” It seems like you refined down what was most important to you. I hope you get to do it soon! Good luck and healthy thoughts; I’ll bet you get through it with flying colors!

January 16, 2009

Good luck! it sucks being a grown up sometimes.