5 Things… *edit – now you get a comic too!*

Well, thank you to everyone for answering my burning question! Most of you guys said you check notes first, which I think is fairly typical. Some of you said it was because they’re quicker than reading entries first (true) but others were a little more honest saying they get pissed off if there aren’t any new notes. Love it.

I find whenever I come on here I always go for bookmarks first. This is because I don’t really update so much, so I know there won’t be any new notes. When I DO update however, I go for notes first, not because they’re quicker, but because I’m always interested in what people think about what I wrote. Caring about what strangers think is probably the bane of my existence.

Now, onto today’s topic;

5 Things I Hate

1. People who care what other people think

2. Whiny people on OD. I don’t mind if people want to whinge a little every now and then, but EVERY entry? Seriously?!

3. When people use the whole "Freedom of Speech" thing to justify being a total asshole.

4. Pretend eloquence, like when people over use words or conjunctions just to ATTEMPT to sound intelligent. Usually involves overuse of the word ‘which’ or ‘myself’. Just say ‘me’! No one will think you’re stupid!

5. Realising something was totally my fault but not wanting to own up to it.


5 Things I Love

1. Food (at first I thought chocolate, then croissants, then pastries, then sandwiches, then roast lamb then… I thought fuck it. Food.)

2. Weed (though go me! I probably have it once every two months now)

3. Denim

4. Music (again, there’s no way I can pin down a specific band, so many are amazing)

5. Six Feet Under. Yes, I go on about it. Yes, it really is that fucking awesome.


5 Things I Wish There Were More Of

1. Polite people, maybe I sound like a grumpy old fart, but seriously, where did the manners go, people?!

2. Money. For everyone. Though I’m sure that would probably make the economy blow up or something. I have no idea how that shit works.

3. Funny things. Maybe it’s just me being more depressed but lately, I don’t find as many things funny. Lame!

4. Wine. There should always be more wine than there is.

5. Cigarettes. I’m constantly running out. Though i suppose if I weren’t running out, it would be kind of weird that I kept buying them…


5 Things I Wish There Were Less/Fewer Of

1. Cancer, because it always sucks. No, actually, let’s make that "horrible diseases" in general. It’d be nice if everyone just passed away peacefully rather than all this suffering malarky.

2. Cold weather. I . HATE . IT .

3. Mean people. I know that sounds sappy, but people can be well harsh and I don’t get why they feel it’s necessary.

4. Fat cells. In my body. I wish I could banish them dramatically with some sort of wooden staff and a cursory hand gesture.

5. Companies. There are too many companies for EVERYTHING. We need some sort of regulator that merges them into better functioning businesses rather than all these little bitty things of samey blah. Wow, I really know how to string a sentence together.


5 Plans For The Future

1. Going to Breda next weekend to see some Dutch friends of mine

2. Being promoted one day when I’m not such a newbie at everything

3. Getting the courage to invite people out to things

4. Do more art! It’s died down and it’s a shame…

5. Give up smoking. I REALLY REALLY should. …. …. … Some day.



I wrote this sort of comic thing a couple of weeks ago about Mat and thought you might enjoy it…. I don’t talk about Mat much here, so to help you get to know him better, I illustrated Mat’s faces and actions on a normal day. (The eyebrows are to scale)


There. A wonderfully accurate portrayal of my boyfriend. And just to prove how accurate these drawings really are, here’s a photo of the man himself:

Hmmm, that photo really doesn’t do his eyebrows justice. Ah well.

Tomorrow, Mat is out at work all day so I am going to determinedly be CREATIVE in some way. I’m playing with the idea (I almost spelt that as "eyedea", god I’m losing it) of making some posh looking cupcakes, but there’s not really many people here to eat them, which would result in me eating them all…. Not good.

Perhaps to spur me on, I shall tentatively promise to post whatever it is that I create tomorrow on here. Ooh, now I’m excited! I hope it’s something good!!!

Log in to write a note

Hahaha, the last line cracked me up, like you have no input into what you make or how it might turn out. Whatever it is though, I hope it turns out nice too. I love doing arty stuff. It clears my head out.

May 27, 2011

Youll prbly hate me for saying this but I tend to write about whiny stuff a lot so sue me, ill write what I want. People dont have to read it, its not a popularity contest. Blah fuck weed lol

May 27, 2011

Six Feet Under: Yes, it IS that fucking awesome. I just finished watching it all again for… oh, I don’t know, the forty-thousandth time, and I MISS THEM! I miss the Fishers! Isn’t that sad? Anyway, you haven’t got a clue who I am and I don’t have a clue who you are either, but I’ve just gone and quite happily made myself sound like the biggest loser imaginable. I’m okay with it.

May 27, 2011

i’m a part time life coach.

May 28, 2011

[Please prepare for Six Feet Under rant] ARGH! Thank god! I get so frustrated when people say they’ve “never gotten into it”, because seriously… I know everyone’s opinion is valid and we’re all entitled to our own, but ARE THOSE PEOPLE RETARDED?! How can you net get into Six Feet Under? I spread it around like the plague. I like to force it upon people, like Here’s abox-set. Watch it. Watch ALL of it, as quickly as you can, and don’t watch other series in between, don’t think you can come back to it when you get bored of The Simpsons, watch it all and watch it PROPERLY and fucking enjoy it or I can’t be your friend anymore, or something to that effect. I’ve converted one-and-a-half people so far (my ex and I sat down to watch the whole thing from beginning to end but only got to series three before we split up and even though he wasn’t exactly enjoying it (he was a wanker) I still feel incredibly frustrated for him because he never got to see how it ended, therefore his life is ruined). (c)

May 28, 2011

(c) My brother is next in line to have Six Feet Under forced upon him against his will. Problem being that disc two of season three got swallowed up by my ex-boyfriends stupid fucking Playstation and I can’t afford to replace it at the moment, which means I cannot lend it to my brother. Because we all know how important season three is. Fuck, we all know how important every EPISODE is andhe can’t go missing out on valid plot lines. I can, I’ve seen it all before, and I recently did watch it all again and even I was all confused and like WTF?! Where did Arthur come from? Basically, I understand your passion. And it is a passion. Six Feet Under sticks to you like glue when you’ve watched it all and really loved it and good lord, how I miss those characters. Well, they’re practically real-life people really, aren’t they? The characters are too rich to be fictional. God bless you, Alan Ball. xxx

May 28, 2011

Pretend eloquence should have a lot more people saying “one” and using the royal we. And the royal wee, ’cause they’re gross like that.

May 28, 2011

RYN: Exaaaaactly! I only finished my recent marathon a couple of weeks ago and I think I cried throughout most of the final three episodes; for some reason it’s always the scene in the final episode where Claire’s in the car with lover-boy, listening to his god-awful CD and crying out of the window, that gets me. I cried like a motherfucker. SOBBED! And then once the final scene had finished and the credits started rolling, I was like Now what? It was like I’d lost all my friends and all of a sudden I was the loneliest fucker on the planet and having spent a good few weeks with the Fishers I was suddenly empty on the inside. I’m now watching Cold Feet from start to finish in order to try and compensate for the gaping hole in my life and it’s coming up far too short. FO SHAME! /Loser I’ll try and find this film you speak of, and once I have I shall report back. If your taste in films is anything like your taste in TV, I’m sure I’ll love it. xx

May 31, 2011

Also, Mat in the bath is AWESOME

May 31, 2011

you’re awesome. I love that comic!

I’m not writing much you can see all that I write. 🙂

Not really just don’t feel like writing. Don’t trade much to say.

June 5, 2011

Hi – no one has had any trouble with it but thanks for your note :-0) x

Thanks for the fyi.

Factual accuracy wasn’t the point. The poem was about an ailment I have, which flared up the day before. My chest felt like it was imploding while being on fire. To be accurate.