The urge to puke…


Let’s try this again.  We’ll see if it forwards me back to the beginning of the paragraph yet again.  It’s really rather annoying really.  And sure enough it forwarded me backwards.  What the hell is that?  Grrrrrrr.  Anybody else having this problem when attempting to do entries?  This will be the third entry I’ve had the same problem with

I managed to get the carpets all done yesterday morning.  Charger has returned to being kenneled which should have never ended in the first place.  Last night he was pissed and starting barking at 2 am to get out of the kennel again.  So yes, it looks like we’ll be training him all over.  Ugh.  Stupid men.

The kids and Ty went riding yesterday.  I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what to make for dinner.  I ended up going with homemade Enchiladas.  They were inhaled.  The kids use to, at one point in life, hate them.  Now they are absolutely in love.  There was barely enough for leftovers the next day so I’d have some lunch to eat.  And they are, of course, requesting them again.  Impressive.


I started that the other day.  Writing isn’t nearly as much fun when the entry keeps messing up and I have to keep deleting a few letters, moving the cursor back and starting again.  Ugh.

I have felt like crap since yesterday afternoon.  We tried out a new burger place for lunch and I’m wondering if the incredibly raw burger I ate made me sick or if I have something else.  Ever since eating that burger though I’d had the most uncontrollable urge to puke if I even think of eating.  I skipped dinner and just finally had a plain donut thinking maybe my stomach simply hurt because I was hungry.  Wrong answer.  Still feel like puking.  Ick.  Hopefully whatever this is goes away.  Soon.  And now I have deadly heartburn.  FML.

I have an IEP meeting for Zak on Thursday.  I’m not really looking forward to it.  I’ve debated what the most politically correct way is to say "YOU SUCK".  I’m just not sure.  I have full plans to tell them I believe they are failing my child.  He’s still bringing home papers with millions wrong, yet they still haven’t put him in extra services because there isn’t any "room".  It just pisses me off.  I asked that the IEP wait until after we get back Zak’s assessment but they refused quoting that "in order to be in compliance they had to do it before whatever date".  So, I guess that means I can sure quote in order to be in compliance they need to provide services.  

It looks like we’ll have the IEP & then when I get the eval results I’ll have to go back in and request another IEP or something.  Hopefully I can at least figure all that out tomorrow.

And…. It’s SNOWING!  Big, huge, beautiful flakes.  ðŸ™‚  It started with pouring rain this morning and has advanced to tons of snow.  The ground is warm enough it’s not really sticking though.  Just on the cars, trees, etc.

Of course today is the day I have to drive to my therapy appointment.  I’d cancel but desperately need it as I missed the last one too.  Hopefully the roads aren’t too bad.

But, I can’t stand typing with this annoying glitch.  And I can’t figure out how to fix it.  I’ve used two different computers.  I’ve tried exiting out & starting a new entry.  It has GOT to be OD.

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October 3, 2012

Yeah man, the cursor thing started happening to me about a week ago as well. I just type my entries in Word and copypaste them.

October 3, 2012

I don’t seem to be having any problems with entries. Snow already!

October 4, 2012