Feel like…. *insert expletive here*

I feel like shit today, to be quite frank.
I got a headache yesterday evening that’s still pounding away this morning. I can’t take anything for it of course-I don’t even want to take paracetomal as taking tablets in pregnancy just doesn’t feel right.

Yesterday was a manically busy day: as well as contending with a whingey, pain-in-the-neck Rebecca all day, we had toddler group in the morning, soft play in the afternoon, then I made a vegetable pasta sauce from scratch for William for his dinner, and once I’d packed him off to bed at 7.30pm I made kedgeree for me and Mike-I was knackered but I’d already got the haddock out the freezer so I had to do it (it was bloody gorgeous, by the way!). I finally finished everything at about 9pm just as Mike walked in the door-he’d been working very late.

I was asleep by 10.10pm. William woke screaming at 11pm, 12am, 1.30am, and 4.30pm. He needed milk at 11am, 1.30am, and 4.30am. He has a cold, and 3 big teeth coming through but Jesus….he slept better when he was a newborn. I’m absolutely exhausted of this. I hate giving him milk in the night but it’s the quickest way to settle him. If this carries on much longer, I’m going to have to do something to get him sleeping better as this can’t carry on until mini-cookie is born. I need sleep so badly I could cry. Looking after 2/3 toddlers in the day is such hard work, and it wouldn’t matter so much if I wasn’t pregnant-but I need rest.
Sorry, I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself. Ugh. In 45 mins Louis will be here, and my mad Wednesday afternoon will begin. William’s napping and Rebecca is entertaining herself for now, so this is a glorious little slice of ‘me time’.

14 weeks pregnant today! Woop woop. Getting a proper bump now, and my boobs are enormous. My next scan is on 18th April which seems a lifetime away. Ooh! I almost forgot-I’ve decided NOT to find out what the sex is at that scan. I’d like a surprise-and I’m also a bit nervous that I might be a teensy bit disappointed if I find out it’s a boy. Which is awful but I know that once the baby is born I won’t give a monkey what gender it is as long as it’s healthy. So yeah-it was lovely finding out William was a boy but this time we won’t have a clue! Exciting! When I think of them saying ‘it’s a……’ as its born I get all tingly!

Oh this headache is awful. 3 toddlers running amok in my shoebox house is going to make it loads better, I’m sure.

PS I’m sure I just felt the baby move! Is it too early?! That’s about the third time that’s happened over the last few days. It’s just a little flutter but I recognise the sensation clearly. Wowee!

PPS Rebecca’s nose is running like a tap and it’s making me feel ill. Why are other kid’s snotty noses so disgusting?

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It sucks how you can’t take any meds when you’re pregnant. Hope the headache goes away soon! I think it makes sense that you’re feeling the baby move earlier, because now that it’s your 2nd, you know what to look for. Does that make sense?

March 5, 2008

Hope you feel better soon! And yay for feeling the baby move-how exciting!

March 5, 2008

*big big hugs* I hope it all eases soon hunny. You should consider speaking to a health visitor who may be able to give you some tips on how to settle William at night. You will make yourself ill with exhaustion if this carries on. Please take care xxxxxxx

March 5, 2008

its not too early, i felt annie right around 14 weeks myself :), it was the later end of the week, but I felt her. 🙂

March 5, 2008

I like surprises!!

March 19, 2008

RYN: LOL! He’s had his own pillow for a year now and we switched to a duvet last November. Now it’s literally just the cot rails coming off. How’s William doing with the nights? or should I not ask?

April 13, 2008

How’s things going? You’ve been quiet again, probably shattered with tiredness, toddlers and baby-incubating. 🙂