Strawberry Nesquik

* I went to a parent & toddler group this morning at the local church hall with Deidre. Why have I not been to these before?! It was FAB! There were loads of toys, including a kid’s trampoline and a big toy kitchen which William adored-he spent ages opening and shutting all the ‘cupboards’ and mini microwave! There were lots of lovely mummies and toddlers there, and the children all sat down round a table halfway through and had a beaker of juice and a biscuit. We finished off with some songs!

1.5 hours of entertainment, and it only cost £1.50!! The best bit is that it’s on every day-so I’m going again on Thursday!

* I spent this afternoon at Deirdre’s house. Feeling so much happier about everything this week. Going out and doing stuff is definitely the key. Sadly I have to stay in most of tomorrow to wait for the stupid washing machine man-our machine has been broken for 3 weeks.

* William’s finally saying some words! So far we have: juice (weird, seeing as he rarely has juice-I think he’s copying Louis), shoes and door! (as well as Daddy) It’s a start! At the moment he’s calling me Bubba! I’m not sure I like that-brings to mind images of fat women…..

* William’s on cow’s milk now. I finally made the switch today. I thought he’d make an almighty fuss but in fact he barely noticed the difference! 

* Our weekend was busy. We went to Manchester to see all my friends from university. It was lovely but quite a way to go in just one weekend. Plus William (and us) had a shit night’s sleep, as we always do when we share a room with him. Everyone was really drunk except me (sob). It’s so boring being the sober one in a sea of drunkeness. Plus, I was soooo ready for bed at 9.30pm but had to power on through til 1.30am!!! It was tough.

* I’ve started craving strawberry Nesquik again. The last time I craved that was when I was pregnant with William! Weird, hey?! It really helps my queasiness-which is still present.

* I’m 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow!

* My Chinese Gender Prediction Chart says I’m having a boy. This thing is supposed to be 99% accurate! I’m not so sure myself.

* I keep on having naughty dreams about men from my past. Tsk tsk. I’ll have to talk more about this another time. Nesquik calls.

Love Clare xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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January 22, 2008

I think it’s a boy :op I don’t know why. The Chinese gender thing predicted my Squish as a boy.. And the heartbeat thing predicts a boy as well. Ed’s hooked on Strawberry Nesquik! It’s like his pseudo-pregnancy craving in honor of my weird addictions to cereal and bombay potatoes. That toddler group sounds awesome! I need to find me some more of those. And yay for a vocal William :o)

January 22, 2008

They say thats common, to have dreams about ex’s from your past early in pregnancy. I’ve heard that before! Too funny:)

January 22, 2008

Oooh 8 weeks already 🙂 I still cant believe how far along Jess is!!! Im glad the group was good, im hoping the one im going to will be equally nice! My chinese prediction said boys and it was cometely true. Its worked for everyone I know so far actually! YAY for Nesquik, chocolate is best though 😛 xxxxxxx

January 22, 2008

what’s a chinese gender chart??

Glad you had a good time at the playgroup. We like to take Ari to the nearby mall, where they have a soft play area for the kids. She loves it. 🙂

January 25, 2008

That toddler group sounds great! The Chinese chart said Angelo was a girl and I never believed it. Do you have a gut feeling about what the baby is? Yay for William saying some words!! (Although lol at him calling you Bubba! Where did he get that from?!) Angelo still says hardly anything! Hope that queasiness goes away soon. *hugs*