Sick. Slurp. Snow. Short. Speech. Sleep.

1. SICK. I’ve started having a churny, sicky feeling several times a day.  Never in the morning-it’s usually in the afternoon. Today Rebecca’s disgusting baby gook lunch triggered one bout; a car-ride back from Deidre’s house triggered the other. Bleugh. It’s exactly the same feeling I had with William but I don’t think it started this early with him.

2. SLURP. I’m also thirsty all the time, drinking gallons of water and peeing like a lunatic-another wacky pregnancy symptom!

3. SNOW. We were promised snow today by Mr Weatherman. So where is it? Mike even worked from home to avoid commuting into London (1 flake of snow and Britain’s entire travel system grinds to a halt…….) – but as yet, nada. Nothing! Dammit, I want SNOW! *stamps foot*

4. SHORT. Had a lovely afternoon with Deirdre and Julia. Realised today though just how SHORT William is, and it was a bit of shock. Elliot and James-the girl’s babies-have just started walking (3 months after William! Smug? Me?!) so for the first time I was able to compare their heights-and it was a shock. William looks like a BABY compared to them. Granted, Mike is only 5’8. I’m 5’7. Deidre is 5’10 and Elliot’s dad is 6’3! So William has his genes stacked against him….but still. His legs are so short, all of his 12-18 month trousers are rolled up and he has 1 pair of 6-9 month trousers he can still fit into! *sigh* It bothers me a little. It shouldn’t, I know.

5. SPEECH. Also- Elliott is clearly saying words like ‘car’ and ‘oh no’ and ‘door’. William babbles away all day, tries to imitate me and understands sooooo much, but still is not saying real words apart from Dada. And he’s stopped saying Mama altogether! I talk to him all day and read him a million books-there’s not much else I can do to help him surely?! Is speech another genetic thing that you can help as much as you can, but ultimately they’ll talk when they want to? Gah. Who knows.

6. SLEEP. Speaking of my little darling, we had another atrocious night with him last night. He woke up countless times, whinged loads, drank loads of milk……… Fair enough, I know he’s not a great sleeper but this milk thing is getting to be too muchh of a habit. After a chat with the girls today they suggested his nursery may be too hot, which is making him restless, and thirsty, so I’ve turned the heating off. Also if he wakes up and doesn’t self-settle I’m going to try settlling him without milk, and if that doesn’t work give him diluted milk, gradually diluting it more every day. Wish me luch folks!

Looked after 3 babies yesterday afternoon, all under 2-William, Rebecca, and Louis. I rock!

Celebrity Big Brother Hijack is on telly in half an hour!! Must go and get ready………

lots of love

Clare xxxxxxxxxxx

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January 3, 2008

I love snow, I don’t get to see any of it living in Phoenix though.

January 3, 2008

I was in the city today, it wasn’t too bad… Jake is just starting to fit his 12-18m jeans if they’re rolled an inch or so. Some of his 9-12m stuff still fits. I think he’s due a growth spurt soon! Chill on the speech woman. He’ll talk when he has something to say :o)

January 3, 2008

I didn’t realize there were so many weird pregnancy symptoms. The weather in London during winter is always sketchy. Snow means you’ll see a little snow outside, but it will be melted within 5 minutes of it starting. I hope everything works out with your son, sounds like he’s going to be a shorty. 🙂

You want snow? I’ll mail you some of mine. I am so sick of it already, and it’s only January! 🙁 Comparing your kid to another one always ends badly. I’ll be waiting for your post in another yr or so when you’re saying, “Holy crap, why won’t my kid SHUT UP for like 2 seconds!” 🙂

January 3, 2008

No snow here either, thank god, I only just got out of the snow in Canada, lol. Don’t get me started on the talking thing, Sam still doesn’t talk. At all. Nothing. He’ll say ‘dada’ or ‘mum mum’ with prompting and do some animal sounds. That’s it.

January 3, 2008

Re: Number three….and yes, it’s all over the news too! “It snowed in Newcastle? In the winter? Well I’ll be darned! Let’s put it on the news!” *rolls eyes*

January 3, 2008

It’s definitely cold enough for snow. Bet there’ll be some tonight. Angelo doesn’t talk much at all yet either but I’m sure both he and William will do so when they’re ready! Angelo hasn’t even properly said Mama yet, his only real word is ‘Look’!!! It does bother me sometimes but I think as long as they understand lots of things you say, it’s only a matter of time before they start actually

January 3, 2008

speaking. Good luck with the sleeping/milk thing :o) And….you deserve a medal for looking after 3 little kids and growing a whole new baby at the same time!!! Superwoman!!!! xxx

January 3, 2008

RYN: No it didn’t take long at all! In fact, Angelo was unplanned and the result of just one time unprotected. Mind you, doesn’t mean it’ll happen that quickly next time, especially since my cycles are still all over the place after stopping BFing. Oh well. In an ideal world, I’ll be pregnant by the time your new little one arrives :o) Have you worked out your rough due date yet?

January 3, 2008

Dont worry too much hun. If it makes you feel better my two are still in 6 – 9 month clothes, dont speak apart from random babbling and Joshua doesnt even walk yet AND theyre 20months old now! There we go my love dont fret over your beautiful little boy. Hes healthy and happy and you should be so pleased about that 🙂 xxxxxxxxx

January 3, 2008

PS – I hope you dont think I was being stroppy and mean to you. I didnt mean it like that. Lots of love xxx

Wasnt CBH hilarious???? Dermot is so much better than Davina! x