Nerdiest New Year’s Eve Ever

Happy New Year everyone!

I had the nerdiest New Year’s Eve EVER. We were supposed to go across to London to a house party with some of Mike’s friends-William included. However he (William, not Mike…) was in a seriously pissy mood yesterday after a crap night’s sleep, and his cold was bothering him……plus we would have had to trek across London lugging his travel cot, bottles, formula, dinner/breakfast etc… we ducked out. I was zapped of energy and quite frankly, couldn’t be arsed. I felt quite guilty – I feel like I’ve been ducking out of quite a few things lately. But I often agree to things too readily without thinking about the practilities – and as most of my friends don’t have babies, they don’t realise how hard travel without a car can be with a feisty toddler!

Anywhoooooo…….so I was in my slobbing PJs by 7.30pm, watching a Spice Girls documentary, eating an Indian and feeling very content! We managed to watch 1 episode of Greys Anatomy before I fell asleep on the sofa (I already seem to have been struck by ridiculous pregnancy tiredness…..last time with William I had it BAD and was in bed every night by 8pm) So I didn’t even manage to see in the New Year………….

Resolutions for 2008?

1. To give birth to a healthy baby this year. I have lots of baby-related mini resolutions about my birthplan etc but I’m not thinking about those properly until I reach 12 weeks.

2. To keep on top of our finances. We’re completely in control of everything at the moment, and it feels fab. Hopefully 2008 is going to be the year that I am RICH! (or at least able to pay my rent on time…..)

3. To learn to drive and buy a car. With 2 kids, I think it’s going to be essential.

That’s it!

I’ve just eaten 2 vegetable samosas! They were FIT!

So Mike goes back to work tomorrow ……and so do I. Rebecca will be here at 9am, and I’m looking after Louis (the 2 year old) all afternoon. Bleugh. It SUCKS having to go back to reality……….we’ve both been off work since the 14th December! It’s been such a long lovely time, and I’ve felt like I’ve been in a blissful family bubble….*sigh*

I don’t think William will be happy about Mike going back to work either. He’s been a complete Daddy’s boy over Christmas.  

However, I don’t think it will be completely hideous looking after Rebecca now…..not now I’m pregnant. Before Christmas I felt like there was no end in sight, and the thought of childminding indefinitely while TTC was a grim thought. But being pregnant means that an invisible countdown timer has begun and I’ll be able to go back to teaching, probably part-time, in 2010 when Cookie No. 2 starts pre-school, aged 2!! I love being a SAHM but there has to be an end in sight-bit muddled but do you understand what I mean??

I’m so, so glad there’s going to be a small age gap between my children. There’s 22 months between me and my brother, and growing up, we were inseperable. It was so lovely to have a playmate there all the time. I so want the same for William and cookie no.2. But after this one-be it boy or girl-I think that’ll be it. 2 is quite enough, thank you!

Anyway, enough rambling! Off to eat some more yummy things now (no New Year’s diet for me! Woohoooo)

Lots of love

Clare xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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January 1, 2008

🙂 hurray!! Healthy cookies all around!

January 1, 2008

Your resolutions sound a lot like mine :o) Only I’m kind of on a New Year’s diet… not a real diet, just a try-not-to-eat-my-body-weight-in-chocolate-each-day diet. I had a nerdy NYE too. Out of curiosity, why is William still on formula? Happy New Year chick x

January 1, 2008

Lovely resolutions!! Just started reading your diary and made you a fave (hope you don’t mind) Congrats on the pregnancy and hope all goes well.

January 1, 2008

I was asleep before midnight too. Nevermind eh 🙂

January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2008

Sounds like a fab new years eve to me, lol. Sleep while you can, you’re growing another human in there. 🙂 You’re going to have about the same age gap with the mini-cookies as Sam and Eva have.

January 2, 2008

Sounds fairly similar to my New Year’s Eve. It’s overrated anyway :o) Happy 2008!!!! xxx

January 2, 2008

heh! I was in my PJs and ordered Indian too! 🙂 Still, it was a fun night snuggling with the hubby 🙂 love TM xox

I know what you mean about being in the “family bubble”–I felt the same way this past week and a half, and it feels weird to be back at work, even though that’s normal. 🙂 Happy New Year!

January 2, 2008

I have to say, I wish my new year had been like that!! Sounds lovely 🙂 Happy new year my love xxxxxxx

RYN: You say, “How big is William? So big!” And as you say “So big” you raise both arms up over your head. Simple enough. Have fun! 🙂

January 3, 2008

Happy New Year and here’s to the “end in sight”. Hope you didn’t have too much of a hellish day with Rebecca. I’m not back at work until the 16th so its going to be a real shock to the system. xxx