Roll on, Weekend

It’s been a bit of a mixed week, so far. Mostly good.

Monday-was just me and William. We had a lovely day, as we usually do when Rebecca’s not around! Even though it was a bit wet I took him to the park and he had a blast, climbing all over the big-kid climbing frame and going down the slide! He’s fearless, my boy!

Tuesday-UGH. Why do Tuesdays always SUCK?! This one was particularly bleugh. Rebecca’s ill with a cold/cough and she whinged all day long. Along with the bucketloads of snot (why is another baby’s snot so gross?), her refusal to eat (she barely eats anything anyway and is teeny-tiny) and clinginess, I was tearing my hair out. With William I have oodles of patience; with Rebecca, I don’t, quite frankly.

When I decided to childmind, I always pictured myself looking after older kids-mostly before and after school. I planned all the cool activities like painting and crafts I’d do with them. I never in a million years wanted to look after another baby. It’s just not my thing. But I had to take this job because nothing else came up, and the worse thing is that in January I’ll be having her an extra day every week….so that will be 4 days every single sodding week. I may lose the will to live. See why I’m thinking of returning to work?!

Rebecca is just a weird baby. She can’t do half the stuff that William or his little mates could at 11 months. She doesn’t even answer to her name. Her parents are weird-her dad has no social skills and talking to him is PAINFUL.When he collects her he never asks what we’ve been doing, which I find bizarre. He barely says anything, in fact. Every day I read her and William a million stories and try to interact and play with her as much as I can. But it’s hard work. With William I get so much back-with her, barely any response to anything!

Wednesday-my lovely friend Deidre came over with her baby James (who’s 5 days younger than William). Deidre’s about 8 weeks pregnant with number 2! I’m sooooo happy with her, but it was hard not to feel a twinge of envy when she was talking about scans etc. I’m trying my best to be super chilled about TTC, but as with most things, it’s easier said than done!

Today-miserable, rainy weather. We hung out with Julia and Deirdre (again). William and Rebecca were super whingey which got a little exasparating. Mike and I demolished 2 bottles of wine last night so I’ve been feeling a teeny tiny bit hungover all day. I love Christmas drinking!! And I’ve got a seriously boozy weekend coming up…….whoppeeeee!

Right now-I’ve just finished tutoring a 17 year old called Cameron who I can barely see behind his masses of curly black hair. I’ve just eaten a big plateful of homemade vegetable lasagne. I’m looking forward to going to bed-looking after 2 babies is tres tiring. But I might have a mug of hot choc first.

I have Rebecca AGAIN tomorrow. Holy crap. Think we’ll hit soft play in the afternoon, which she and William both love. If we stay in all day I shall start to foam at the mouth.


FestiveCookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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December 6, 2007

We’re supposed to be hitting the soft play tomorrow but I’m blowing it off in favour of a coffee and a chat with a friend and the little boy she looks after as my little one just adores him. Sorry to hear Rebecca is giving you such trouble. Given that her dad has no social skills either, that could be a contributing factor. Have a great night and stay off the wine! Let your liver rest before the weekend. xxx

December 6, 2007

I would rather jump off of a 10000 foot building than do childminding. Have a wonderful weekend hunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

December 6, 2007 can spell Deidre..I seriously CANNOT get to grips with the spelling of that name for some reason..Every time I need to write it, I end up making a phonecall to ask my MIL for the spelling!

I thought being a mom would make me love other people’s kids more, but that’s not necessarily true. And that’s OK! She’s probably not as responsive to you because she doesn’t know you as intimately as William does. Of course you and he are going to have a closer bond. 😉

December 6, 2007

The rodents my MIL childminds drive me bonkers. I feel your pain *hugs* xxxx

December 6, 2007

I hope it gets better! Maybe once she starts to open up a bit it will get better! I know it took me a while to get to know and love my class.

I couldn’t do child minding. Abigail and I are so stingy with each other. I LOVE all children, and playing with them and doing things with them, but Abigail always gets me first and foremost. You have a lot more patience than I do 🙂

December 7, 2007

Yep, getting out once a day is key. even with two of them. Would it help if you think of it this way: rebecca obviously is lacking in interaction at home so she NEEDS you to keep engaging her. She WILL respond eventually. yeah, I didn’t think that would help either but thought I’d toss it out there. lol. Mmm…wine. I miss boozy wine-filled evenings. Have a lovely weekend!

December 7, 2007

im sorry you arent enjoying childcare. Do you think she has some developmental problems? I hope it gets better. Have a good day!

December 9, 2007

It must be SO hard looking after 2 babies – I have to admit, when I was thinking about childminding, it never even entered my head to be doing that, I always pictured the fun activities with older kids too! Hope you had/are having a lovely weekend after your tiring week :o) xxx

December 9, 2007

RYN: Usborne’s going OK actually! I haven’t done loads but I’ve done a few baby/toddler group sessions and a couple of Christmas Fairs. Never going to make me rich but oh well :o) I’m happy just doing the odd bit here and there and getting cheap/free books for Angelo at the same time!