Flab, Fun and Friday! *edit*

* I might have to rename myself CHUNKYcookie. I have definitely put on weight recently-all the biccies I’m scoffing with my mummy friends have taken their toll.  Last week I managed to split a pair of trousers (oh the shame!) and the replacement I bought won’t do up round the waist. And they’re size 16!  Pre-William, I was a size 12 on the top and 14 on the bottom! Hurumph.

I’ve got a dilemma. Do I bust a gut trying to lose this weight and get back into my clothes, or do I just embrace my new-found flab as I’ll hopefully be pregnant again later this year anyway?

* William is having great fun waking me up at 5am every morning. I feel like I can’t really complain as he sleeps straight through from 7pm til 5am. But….*queue whiny voice*….5am is so early! 

Every morning it’s the same. At around 5.10am I hear little chirrups coming from the nursery, bury my head in the pillow and pray he’ll go back to sleep. The chirrups turn to grizzles. I consider turning the monitor off. Eventually guilt compels me to go and check on him. He’s usually launching himself around his cot and the minute he sees me he starts kicking like a maniac and gives me a huge smile. After that it’s hard to be pissed off. However I refuse to come downstairs til 6am. That’s when GMTV starts.

* Got a very fun weekend planned. Tonight I’ve got dinner with all my mummy friends! Our husbands are babysitting so we can go and stuff our faces with yummy food and get a bit squiffy. And tomorrow I’m off to Bristol for another hen night! I won’t be gone that long though-barely 24 hours. William will probably be having so much fun with Daddy, he won’t even notice I’ve gone! I’m looking forward to going to a club-haven’t done that since December 2005!

* Things with Mike are wonderful. We had a big chat a couple of weeks ago about everything (and I mean everything) and everything is A-ok!

Man I’m tired. The problem is, when your day starts at 5am, by 9am it feels like it should be lunchtime.

Happy Friday folks!

love Cookie xxxxxxxxx

EDIT: forgot to say that I got some really lovely AND helpful notes on my last panicky entry-thank you.

Things aren’t as bad as I thought, wonga-wise. Mike and I are doing that thing everyone is doing where you reclaim your bank charges over the last 6 years. He worked his out last night and the charges total £2000!! Mine will be much, much more. So I know it’s a little risky depending on that, but if we DO get that money back in the next month (and we should….) we’ll be fine!

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Im still struggling with the weight 🙁 *hugs* have fun!

May 11, 2007

Ugh, weight. I’ve been eating junk lately too and although I really should stop so I can lose a few pounds before the wedding, I just can’t get motivated properly. Ugh. Angelo’s started waking up at 5.30 every day too. I sympathise!!! Your weekend sounds lovely. All these hen nights! So glad things are good with Mike too. *hugs*

May 11, 2007

Hmmm I’ve never heard of reclaiming your bank charges.

I know what you mean–I groan getting out of bed when Ari wakes up early, but as soon as she sees me, she gets so excited, and I can’t be grumpy anymore. Sounds like a great weekend–have fun!

May 11, 2007

That’s great about the bank charges :o) I still need to get round to doing Mario’s. It’s about £600 which would be useful!

May 11, 2007

How did you go about reclaiming your chares?? Have a fab weekend hun xxxxxxx

May 11, 2007

Not to rain on your parade but don’t count on it being quick. I sent my first letter in March and I’m still waiting.. and you have to allow them around 60 days to get back in touch with you. Grrr…

May 11, 2007

5am is way too early o’clock! What about if you move William’s bedtime later by 15minutes ever two or three nights until he goes to bed at 8pm and hopefully won’t wake up until 6am?? And do you have a blackout blind in his room? Cause that helped Sam A LOT. Stupidest question ever…these bank charges…how do you find out how much they total? I seriously don’t think I have any or else I’m having a major blonde moment and am not seeing what I could be getting back. RYN: Will try and post some pics soon! They’re all on The Man’s comp and trying to get him off so I can upload pics is like pulling teeth.

the dreaded weight game. i couldnt stand mine anymore, and went on weight watchers, then got off of that but continued portioning myself, and i’m still losing. but thats up to you hun. i think you look beautiful, but if you want to lose some, go for it!

May 11, 2007

im glad the money stuff isnt as bad as you thought. FUN WEEKEND! I would love to have a girls night out…enjoy it and have a blast 🙂 5am sucks, it makes your day seem so long! I always pray that genna sleeps till like 7. lol.

May 11, 2007

UK sizes are diffent than US right? Because in your pictures you do not look like a 12/14. I feel your pain of weight gain. I lost over 50 pounds last year and since I’ve started living with Josh and my brother died I’ve gained 20 of it back. It’s frustrating and disapointing.