Pics & drunken video :-)

Been promising pics for ages, so….ta-daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! William ones and a few from that hen weekend I went to a few weeks ago when I got very, very drunk.

Looking good enough to eat.

He stood whilst holding onto something for the first time yesterday! Look at those fat little legs. I could just eat them!

Bashing toys together is one of his favourite things to do!

His t-shirt says: It’s not easy looking this cute all the time.

I love this one. He looks so cheeky!

This is what he used to look like. A bit of a runt really.

Now hen piccies. This is me and the ‘hen’ Sarah (who I call Fin). We spent the entire night dancing and carried on after everyone had gone to bed! I was so drunk I was sick the next day (ooops) 

I loved those pom poms.

Me and my friend Kate.

Dancing! I think it was Dolly Parton’s Nine to Five. I’m supposed to be 5 o’clock and Fin is supposed to be nine o’clock…….

I was so drunk, I had to be put to bed! Here’s the girls taking my make up off! Classy eh!

There’s video footage as well! No sound and I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing but I look hammered. I can’t embed it but if you really want to see a drunken cookie….

Proper entry tomorrow.

Lots of love

Cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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May 6, 2007

Looks like fun :o) That pic of you having your make-up taken off is too funny! I can’t believe how big William’s got! And look at him when he was so little! Awww….

May 6, 2007

OMG hes soooooo cute!!! And so big too. Wow! Youre looking gorgeous hun, even though youre completely wasted!!!haha xxxxx

May 6, 2007

ROFL! Love the last pic. Nothing says a good night like picotorial evidence of being put to bed. Heheheh. William is GORGEOUS! Look at him! I can’t beleive how old our babies are getting now. Wah.

May 6, 2007

that sounds like it was a lot of fun!

May 6, 2007

LOL, that is so funny!

May 6, 2007

He looks SO much like you! And you are one pretty Cookie. Even when you’re hammered. I want your hair, it’s beautiful!

Great pictures! I love fat baby legs! 🙂

William is ADORABLE! I love the picture of him and his little cookie covered face. so cute. and that last picture of you is priceless!

May 6, 2007

Looks like fun 🙂

RYN: The title is a line from a song (from the Broadway play Wicked), but the rest was written by me.

May 7, 2007

LOL you were stumbling in the video. Its been a long time since ive been that drunk. It looks like a wonderful night! Im glad you got to go. William is so adorable! Hes gotten so pudgy and definately growing up. I love the pic he is standing up in. ADORABLE!