Less Wrathful

I’m less wrathful then I was yesterday, you’ll be glad to hear. It’s Friday and rainy but I actually got some decent sleep last night-William slept til 4.30am, refused to go back to sleep but my wonderful husband brought him downstairs to play with him so I went back to sleep til 7am! Bliss.

I’ve barely left the house since Monday because of William’s bad bug-poor sausage has been so congested with a hacking cough like he’s a 40-a-day B & H man-so by yesterday afternoon the walls were beginning to close in on me and I was getting irritable. We missed MAD music class yesterday, and today we missed our swimming class for the first time ever. Sniff. Thankfully William is well on the mend and I am going out today, over to Deirdre’s house-her baby James has the same bug so they can fill the room with germs and snot. Yuck.

I’m in full throttle setting up my childminding business now. I told my school yesterday that I wasn’t returning to teaching in September. The official reason I gave was that we’re going to try for another baby this year-which is completely true. I knew the head wouldn’t want me back if I was going to go off on maternity leave again next year. It wasn’t the easiest call to make-even though I suspect they knew already that I wasn’t returning. I actually started crying on the phone-I love teaching and miss it so much. But this is only temporary. The idea is to have another kiddie and then go back in 3 years or so, doing my childminding in the mean while.

I started to have doubts yesterday as to whether going to business with someone I hardly know is a good idea. Jen is lovely-I met her on my childminding course, and it just seemed like a good idea to do this with someone else. I’ve heard childminding can be quite isolating. Also I think it would be fun doing it with someone else. However there is a risk involved. I don’t know that much about her. I don’t know if we’ll work well together. Will it work out financially with two of us looking after the kids? And I reall want to do things my way and get on with planning and buying resources.

Instinct tells me it will be ok, and working together is a good idea. I just gotta have faith.

I’m going to save this entry before OD screws me over again. Happy Friday everyone!

love Cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Working with someone you don’t know well might actually be better than working with a friend–you’re more likely to be honest with each other, for example. I’m sure it will work out great!

March 30, 2007
March 30, 2007

be careful working with someone you dont know. If you do it just make sure you keep careful books so that there is no money problems or anything. I hope William feels better!

March 30, 2007

Poor snotty boy! SAm’s on week three+ of snot-fest 2007. Gross.

March 30, 2007

I’m sure it WILL be nice having another adult for company. I’d love to have someone here with me to talk to and keep me sane! Not to mention the extra pair of hands.

March 30, 2007

I agree with TellTaleHeart, it may be better :o) Give it a try and see what happens. Just do everything thoroughly and protect yourself against any probs just incase. Im sure it will be fine xxxxxxxxx

March 30, 2007

Go with your gut. I trust that more than anyone’s advice.. and it hasn’t done you wrong yet!

March 31, 2007

I’m sure it’ll be fine if your instincts are telling you that :o) Poor William – hope he feels better soon. RYN: I’ll email you this weekend, would be good to arrange something!

April 1, 2007

good luck!

April 4, 2007

Hey thank you for the note. Final Fantasy XI is an online game where you can interact with people who play it from all over the world and you fight monsters and stuff. It’s been going for years but not many people have heard of it. I wouldn’t have known about it if I hadn’t of met my chap. Good luck with the business. I really hope it goes well for you.