
Not those kind of fantasies, you dirty minded people.

Nope, I’m fantasising about going on holiday. I literally can’t stop thinking about it. I adore travel. The whole excitement of booking a holiday, counting down to it, packing, and then getting on the plane-I absolutely love airports!The excited buzz, loads of people going to different destinations, the airport shopping……and then the actual flight! I love everything about it, from the food to the crappy airline movies. And when you get to your destination-breakfast buffets, sunbathing all day, the sun on your skin, eating delicious food, watching the sun set while drinking white wine, the smell of aftersun lotion……ooooh I’m practically drooling!!

As a child I travelled a lot. We moved to Hong Kong for 4 years when I was 4, which was a wonderful, wonderful place to live. We’d spend our weekends at the beach (my favourite one was Big Wave Bay-for obvious reasons!) and in the summer we’d finish school at 1pm and I’d spend the afternoon playing in the pool. It was just amazing. My dad was on a fantastic salary so we had some amazing holidays to Thailand, Australia, America and Hawaii.

I don’t remember a lot about these places as I was so young, but I remember the excitement. I remember going to Alcatraz and being absolutely terrified.

As a student I inter-railed my way round Europe to Venice, Verona, Corfur, Paris, Lyons and Nice which was wonderful-especially as I was single and met plenty of handsome young chaps on my way! With my family we visited Barbados, Spain and Tunisia. My dad moved to Bermuda for 3 years so I used to visit him out there. Bermuda is a like a little paradise on earth. The beaches have pink sand, the pace of life is sooooo relaxed and the locals are incredibly friendly. I couldn’t live there all the time-it’s s a little quite for me-but as a holiday destination, it was perfect.

Mike and I had 2 wonderful honeymoons-one to a castle in Edinburgh, Scotland where  sat around in our dressing gowns and drank champagne for 4 days and another to the Maldives, which was so beautiful it’s indescribable.

The Maldives was my last holiday 2 years ago. No wonder I have itchy feet! As soon as my childminding business is set up, and we’re back in the black, I’m off on vacation. I am determined to get to New York sometimes soon.

So, I’m curious. Who else has itchy feet? Where’s the one place you’d love to visit?

Love Cookie xxxxxxxxx 

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March 28, 2007

Florida is the one place I’d love to visit. I’m a huge Disney fan.

March 28, 2007

The Maldives is the one place I really want to go so I’m very jealous :o) It was one of the places we were thinking about for our honeymoon, pre-baby, but with Angelo in tow, we’re going to Rhodes instead. Didn’t want the hassle of a long-haul flight with a 12 month old (I’m aiming to keep in-flight nappy changes to a minimum!!!) I’ve got itchy feet reading this entry. I love travel :o)

March 28, 2007

Seeing as I’ve never left my own country I’m still feening for typical touristy places like Paris, London, & somewhere in Ireland.

March 28, 2007

The Maldives is our planned honeymoon. I’d sacrifice the biggest wedding in the world for a honeymoon there in paradise. The only other planned holiday is Venice, next May for our 5 year anniversary. You are so lucky to be so well travelled. I’ve hardly gone anywhere. But when babe is a bit older I’ll catch the travelling bug and get my ass in gear. I must visit Australia before I die! HopeWilliam is feeling better!

You’re reading my mind–I’ve been dying to take a trip too! Tony and I already talking about summer vacation plans. We have big dreams–like Las Vegas, etc.–but more than likely we’ll do something not so lavish. I love flying too! I keep telling Tony that wherever we go on vacation, I want to fly! Of course, when it comes down to it, we’ll probably try to save $$ by driving, but I can dream!

(c)And since we’re dreaming here, places I would love to visit… anywhere in Europe, Hawaii, California, the Grand Canyon, a tropical cruise, Orlando (Disney World–woo hoo!), etc. The one hot vacation spot that I have no interest in is Mexico… Cancun, places like that, just have no appeal to me. Don’t know why. 🙂

March 28, 2007

LOL you want to come here and I want to go there! I want to see Europe, me and my itchy feet. your childhood sounds simply amazing. what a lucky girl you were/are!

March 28, 2007

I ALWAYS Have itchy feet, mainly because every time I go away, it’s back to Canada to visit the family which is not really a vacation. it’s nice to see everyone, sure, but full of obligation visits and no time for ourselves.

March 28, 2007

hmm…i would love to go to Ireland, i think. lol. You got to honeymoons? fun stuff, i never even got one. lol.

March 28, 2007

I would love to go to Europe, especially Italy, Spain & Greece

March 28, 2007

I’d love to go to Austraila. I’ve been to England 2 and a half years ago. It was so much fun. I was born in germany so I’d love to go back and visit the place I was born.